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Mods not working together (I think?)


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recently I went on a modding spree and downloaded a lot of mods, but when I opened my game, and clicked the left mouse to attack, Dovahkiin started hitting without swinging the sword, he would hit the guy like 3 times and would swing the sword once.


I think it may be because the mods are inter-twining or something.


I have a mod for faster swinging, which worked before, so I don't think thats the problem. and I recently downloaded the following mods (the swings stopped working after this). a Dance with Death, Get Snowy, and Deadly Combat


and I also Skyrim upgraded to 1.6.82. I did this after I downloaded the above mods


would be great if someone knew how to fix this



Edited by JoeyAyoub
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I disabled the three recent mods, still not working, is there a way I could slow down the combat speed in the .INI files or something

I wouldn't know about ini tweaks but maybe starting a new game could fix it? Sometimes patches can mess some stuff up, another thing you could try is to make sure you have SKSE and run it from the skse_loader.exe as many mods require SKSE.

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