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Dangerous looking creatures


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The sea dreughs featured in one fo the other ES games, not sure which one though.

In response to the many rats are the scariest ones, I quite like the rats. Catch them with a power attack when they leap at you and they go flying all over the place, great fun.

The enemeis that look scariest to me are probably the land dreughs. I rememebr when I firt saw them..Was going back to a fort I cleared earlier, went into the keep and a billy appeared otu of nowhere. Scared the hell out of me

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sea Dreaughs are from Morrowind. I first discovered them level 1 just starting off the game.


I though "hey theres a guy swimming off in the distance"


So I swam over there and as I got closer I relized this "guy" had tentacles and was attempting to inflict pain on me.




I WAS LEVEL 1!!!!!


But anyway you probably don't want to hear this old Morrowind veterans ramblings

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Scariest thing iv seen so far, comes from MMM.... I think anyway.



I was in Leyawiin chapel, late at night, decided to go down into the Underdroft to practice a bit of ranged combat on the ghosts down there. As i was sneaking round the corner I hear a deafening scream and this flash of white light darted across the room a few times then came straight at me still screaming.


Next thing I knew I was paralized on the floor for 300seconds, then killed....



When I reloaded the game it wasnt there...... very freaky


Just before i died however I saw "Ghostly Apparation" as the name

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Billies scare the hell out of me, only because they remind me of lobsters. And headless zombies, because seriously...anyone who has that sort of depth perception WITHOUT a head or a brain is something worth being freaky. Which is thus translated into dangerous ^_^ Goody!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Slofs giger clanfear look... well not realy scary but kinda powahfull :) sort of.


Scary scary scary... nope. Oblivion isn't scary - comeon.

Dungeon dwelling ghosts that just hang arround waiting to be shot and mauled?

Undead that slowly come out of slowly and noisily opening hiding places?

A sudden jab of silence and a change of tune just before a rat hits your back?


Then again - doom3 and F.E.A.R. onlly surprised me once (each), so I guess it's a personal problem ;D. (d3 - the imp behind the staircase when you exit the com room, F.E.A.R. - when you get on a lader to go down and she's behind you)

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