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Looking to do a modded playthrough, looking for advice


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I did a vanilla run on PS4 a while back, I now have the game on PC and I'm looking to get some mods in.


I'm looking to get some very specific things out of this playthrough, as follows:


Higher difficulty, but with zero survival game elements. I don't want to be sleeping, or eating, or anything else I'd have to do if I was a real person in the Wasteland. Ammo having weight is fine though. Also preferably not just making everything a bullet sponge. I'm thinking something like the first few versions of Fallout Wanderers Edition for FO3, if you ever played it. Oh, no broken limbs, it just winds me up.
Enemies in power armour to have the chance to have mixed suits, especially when they're a random spawn.
Something that develops the Atom Cats a bit more, like some kind of bonus for selling them spare armour/radiant quests to get them armour parts they're after.
Automatically registering stolen power armour frames to me, mainly so I don't have to console command a bunch of suits every time I murder a BoS patrol.
General QoL stuff, I'm not all that fussed with how the game runs but as people suggest stuff I'll likely find bits that sound cool.
If there's something that adds new enemies that could be cool, variety is the spice of life. The go to in FO3 was Marts Mutant Mod.
Feel free to suggest stuff! I have very little idea what's out there in terms of mods for this game and there's probably things I want that I've forgotten about.
Many thanks for your time!
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If you're looking for more combat difficulty, I guess you could download Super Mutant Redux, Raider Overhaul, Deadlier Deathclaws, UNPC - Creatures and Monsters with the Insanity patch for Deadlier deathclaws and SM redux and also Legendary Boss and Harder Big Monsters. Then download a reduced loot mod so you have a harder time building an arsenal. There are also increased spawn mods but some can ruin your save game. The one I use is NPC Travels which adds more patrols in the game, but not to the point where it's a constant warzone. It doesn't seem to break my save, so I'm sticking with it, for now.


If you're looking for QoL, start with a sorting mod, also Amazing Follower Tweaks lets you have your companions be pack mules with large carrying capacity and easy insta looting functions so you don't have to pick stuff up manually. You just go ask companions to pick everything up, then just sort things from their inventory. This makes it so that you're constantly fighting and constantly looting without having to do the inventory management mini-game as much.

Edited by jdrfox
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ZombieWalkers - its a great little mod that changes feral ghouls, one of the cool features is that when a zombie horde attacks your settlement they head for and congregate around the workbench and if I remember rightly they take the settlement from you so you have to reclaim the workbench and do battle with them.


True storms - a great mod for making weather (especially rad storms) really matter.


Conquest - let's you build a settlement anywhere. Just a great idea for a second play through.


And depending on your play style there's - Fallout 2287 gasmasks of the waist land -

Which makes it deadly to go outside without a gasmask, you'll need to change air filers etc.


I think - war of the common wealth but on the "muma's boy" setting, (but this might be the wrong mod)

if I remember rightly it adds lots of new enemy spawn points and changes what spawns where based on a few factors - so you won't always find that same group of supermutants in that building, when you clear it - raiders might move in ^.^

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