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Skill Experience


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Hey there, guys. :)


So I know there's mods out there to get this effect in smithing, particularly this one: Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancement. But I want to figure out how to do this on my own so that I can tweak things to my own tastes.


I can't seem to identify how to manipulate skill experience gain. I particularly want to not only change the values that affect how much experience is gained, but I want to make new actions contribute to skills, like using the tanning rack or smelter to increase smithing, or modifying the way magic works by basing experience simply on the use of the magic, rather than damage dealt or healed, etc. Also, how do I make it so that some skills have more or less impact on overall leveling? I'm sorry if what I'm asking is vague, so I'll try to sum it up to the best of my ability.


How can I change the rate that individual skills level, how much experience they contribute to overall leveling, and add, remove or modify actions that provide experience?




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  • 4 weeks later...

I can't seem to identify how to manipulate skill experience gain...


I can't seem to figure out how to access the value. Is there a script function that will return the current amount of skill experience for a particular skill?


I've been looking into the same thing actually. I was particularly looking into the resting bonuses to find out why werewolves don't get it. I never ended up finding that out but I did happen to find the answer to your question. Everything in the game that affects experience gain begins with a perk. In the case of the rested bonus it's PerkRested. At the bottom of the perk window is a subwindow with Perk Entries above it. If you're starting from scratch you would right click, then click new, then a new window pops up. Click "entry point" on the far right, then in the first box on the left, scroll down until you find the words "Modify Skill Use." Then in the next box over to the right of the word "function" scroll down until you find "Multiply Value". In the bottom box you will type the percentage you want in the form 1.x with x being the percentage faster that experience will increase. The rested perk has a value of 1.05, with 1.10 for WellRested, and 1.15 for MarriageRested and the Lovers' Stone (called doomLovers in the data). The Warrior, Thief and Mage stones each have a value of 1.2, but with more info to effect only their respective skill trees. After that, each perk is loaded into a skill effect which is loaded into a spell. Unfortunately I don't know much what happens after the perk tier.

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I've been looking into the same thing actually. I was particularly looking into the resting bonuses to find out why werewolves don't get it. I never ended up finding that out but I did happen to find the answer to your question. Everything in the game that affects experience gain begins with a perk. In the case of the rested bonus it's PerkRested. At the bottom of the perk window is a subwindow with Perk Entries above it. If you're starting from scratch you would right click, then click new, then a new window pops up. Click "entry point" on the far right, then in the first box on the left, scroll down until you find the words "Modify Skill Use." Then in the next box over to the right of the word "function" scroll down until you find "Multiply Value". In the bottom box you will type the percentage you want in the form 1.x with x being the percentage faster that experience will increase. The rested perk has a value of 1.05, with 1.10 for WellRested, and 1.15 for MarriageRested and the Lovers' Stone (called doomLovers in the data). The Warrior, Thief and Mage stones each have a value of 1.2, but with more info to effect only their respective skill trees. After that, each perk is loaded into a skill effect which is loaded into a spell. Unfortunately I don't know much what happens after the perk tier.


Either I am not comprehending the concepts or I didn't properly communicate what I was after. After rereading your reply a few times (thanks for it, btw), I think you are talking about the rate at which a skill increases. What I want is the progress level value towards the next skill level. The USEPWiki calls it Skill XP but I'm not sure what it's called officially. So say a player's Smithing level is 50% between level 25 and 26, I want to get that percentage value in a script, and manipulate it.


At this point, I'm not clear if there is a grand total for skill xp, or something like a 0 to 9 counter between levels.

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Do you mean to artificially increase the level?


Yes, or decrease it as required. But first, I just want to find the values. It's part of an overall goal to take as accurate a snapshot of the player stats as possible, so I can restore them later.


In the CK under Character > Actor Values, there are values like RestorationSkillAdvance which I thought might be it. But if I try


testvalue = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("RestorationSkillAdvance") as int


I just get a 0 where my actual Restoration skill progress bar to the next level shows about 33%.


There was no in game name for RestorationSkillAdvance, so I added one and used that in GetActorValue(), but to no effect. (Long shot, but had to try.)


Edit: clarification

Edited by gigantibyte
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