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LOOT and Mator not as good as I once believed.


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LOOT sorts should certainly be double checked... occasional the auto sort can be contrary to author recommendations and need to be manually moved n locked.



I also opened up my Smashed Patch in SSEDIT and observed that if a mod contains vanilla information that hasn't been modified, Mator will use that vanilla data in the mod to overwrite/override other mods that had changed those values that are earlier in your load order... which kind of defeats the purpose of Smashing.


Unless I am out to lunch and I'm failing to understand, but SSEDIT shows the smashed patch has given priority to un-edited vanilla values that appear in various mods. usually the last mod to be load wins the conflict even if the values are vanilla.




Sorry, I didn't realize you could make manual fixes through SSEDIT if need be... I wasn't aware of that. So yes smash all is an incredibly helpful tool. But if you have a big mod list and a complex load order. Then using SSEDIT to resolve conflicts in the smash patch is certainly a must.


I guess they still are both great.

Edited by Kulharin
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I suspect, as suggested by your edit, that you simply dont know enough about the programs.


It is common knowledge that LOOT is not always right and manual tweaking may be needed. You can also set up manual rules in LOOT so that an ESP is always sorted below another ESP whenever you run LOOT.


On the mod page for Smash, Mator actually states tweaks in SSEEdit will be needed to ensure the patch has worked as you want it to. I find a lot of issues can be sorted with either load order or using the different Smash settings (SmashAll, SmashForceAll etc).

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