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[LE] Issues with .lip sync in quest mod

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I am working on a quest mod that is nearly complete, but am having issues with the accuracy of my .LIP files syncing with the game's audio. From what I understand, when the Creation Kit generates these files they take into account the actual text from the editor, as well as audio from the .WAV or .XWM files. I am developing my mod on the original creation kit, and am generating my .lip files via the batch command. I also know to avoid special characters in the text, and all of my audio is 16bit mono.


Here is a video displaying what I am talking about. The NPC's line is very simple, "Take a look."




As you can see, there is a significant delay between the audio and the actor's lip movements. The next line however, plays just fine.


Here is what my audio looks like in waveform:




Does anyone have any advice for getting more accurate .lip files? It seems like about a quarter of my lines are messed up like this. Thanks!


Edited by DoubtSuspended
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I'm getting the same problem. I haven't fix it yet. But my guess is that adding more death sound to the audio file at the beginning could help to make them sync better. I haven't tested this myself cause I'm busy dealing with more important aspects of my follower at the moment. If you get it fixed, pls share the solution.

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