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Mod Help: Difficulty Applying Certain 76 Textures to the Player


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Well as soon as I picked up Fallout 76, the very first thing I did was crack open the archives to start snooping around and tinkering. I'd like to say so far I've been somewhat succesfull in up-porting FO4 nifs into 76 (textures are a whole other matter, as attempting to change old ones to their new format seems to be arcane wizardry beyond my feeble mind's ability to comprehend).


But I seem to have run into a weird sort of 'snag', as it were. I was attempting to apply the 'corpse' skin textures (brand new with 76) to the player character, though and I could get the hand and body textures to show correctly, for some reason I cannot fathom it refuses to show the new face texture. It just shows the normal human face. I checked and rechecked that I had extracted the right files, put them in the right spot, and that their names were identical, but to no avail. I admit my modding skills are somewhat rudimentary, and this is probably a problem beyond my meager skills.


Any help from the community would be appreciated, even if all it is is an explanation why what I'm doing is currently impossible.


Thank you. :thumbsup:

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This is driving me crazy as well! I stayed up all night, convinced I was on the verge of discovery. I even went as far as to replace every face in /charactercustomization/ just to check if they did something as crazy as baking hundreds of potential face textures (there are hundreds of human non ghoul/scorched faces for some reason). The only lead I've found is that the materials and the nifs for the head seem to point towards actors/customization/characters/basehuman(fe)male/ (might be slightly off, on phone so this is from memory)


But I can't seem to find this directory or the referenced textures in -any- of the ba2s. I tried changing the paths in the nif and materials to reference the textures in the folder that's in the ba2s, I even tried packing the textures to be in the mysterious customization path. The game crashed when doing the former, so that means something interesting happened I guess. When I get home I'll try to do it properly with the updated fallout 4 material editor.


It's just really really bizarre. I looked at every file I could find with names like basehuman, face, skin, head. I messed with all those files trying to get a result. Maybe we'll figure this out. At least I have someone to share in the suffering with.

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