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(Another) Stupid Question, not exactly mod-related


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So I played FO4 for over a year when it first came out on Xbox, and now I am playing it again because A) I have a great computer finally, and B) I missed playing the game and wanted to really delve into the mod-aspect of it (which I have fallen in love with, albeit 'late to the party').


So I've been using console commands, for all sorts of things (some of them as silly as giving some free-range brahmin a feeding trough LOL), and the biggest issue I've had with finding stuff with the 'Help' menu is that I can only see about 6 lines of type, usually more than half of which is taken up by the warning messages themselves (so I get maybe 2-3 lines with the info I wanted, if I am lucky). A LOT of times I can't find what I want because so many IG items/mods/etc have the same name/word in it, and unless it fell-out on the bottom of the list, I just can't see it.


So today I am watching a how-to video (another thing I find myself doing more & more of as I go down the rabbit-hole), and I notice the Youtuber has 13-14 LINES OF TEXT showing when he opens HIS Console Commands... WTF?!!!!


I've just assumed I was stuck with the default number of lines I have, and chalked it up to 'engine limitations' or some-such, but now I see you can see more lines - HOW CAN I DO THAT? If I am able to change this one thing, my (gaming) life will become SO much easier.


And I am sure a few of you are probably laughing and thinking, "what an idiot', and that's fine - I am sure its simple. But when you don't know something can be better, you never go looking for that better thing. That describes life in general, eh?



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Thanks guys - I haven't used the pg-up/pg-dwn keys in so long I forgot all about them! (DOS is but a dim memory for me now)


However, that still doesn't answer my original question/observation - how was that YOUtuber able to see so many lines of text at once? Maybe its a Windows setting, and has nothing to do with the game itself?


Regardless, the 'page' thing solves my dilemma, so thanks and CHEERS



P.S. - I actually tried the mouse wheel when I first began having the problem; it didn't work. I guess I don't have mine setup to pg-up/pg-dwn. I'll have to check into that.

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