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Gray Fox Armor (by Gwydeon) Issue Revisited


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Hi Nexus! Would that I were here to announce a triumphant reload of my game...


I am having the same issue as another person, and I've tried everything they did...




It doesn't look like they ever figured out what was going on? I hope we can at this time.


In my case, I DID have it workijng on my last computer (now dead). I was running XP32.

This computer is running Win7pro64, and seems to run all my mods except for this one.


(The only other issues i have noticed is that there are some minor visual glitches/tearing

that randomly appear on items and in menu borders; but that was there pre-mod-testing.)


One thing I noticed that wasn't mentioned in the former thread was that when I ran OCV,

I got a warning about relative absolute paths, which I know nothing about. *confused*

I then went to run Oblivion, and just as it was about to load my test-game... CTD...

So, thinking OCV made a mess, I removed it and the Archive Invalidation Text from the

folder, and put them aside elsewhere... then my game started up normally/as it should.


I don't know if this helps to figure out this issue, but this is what the AbsolutePathNifs

document (generated post OCV warning) had to say about the mishap:


meshes\Armor\Gray Fox Leather\hood.nif

meshes\Armor\Gray Fox Leather\hood_gnd.nif

meshes\Armor\Gray Fox Leather\f\grayfoxarmorf.nif

meshes\Armor\Gray Fox Leather\m\grayfoxarmor.nif

meshes\Armor\Gray Fox Leather\m\grayfoxarmor_gnd.nif


Any Ideas?

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Absolute paths are when the mod author (or modeller who made the item) give a 'complete' path to what textures are applied to which part of the mesh. An absolute path would be something like C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures\armor\JoesCoolArmor\JoesCoolCuirass.dds. Anyone who has their game installed in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion will have no problem with the mesh. Everyone who installed the game in any other folder (e.g. C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion) would not be able to use the mesh as it stands.


The correct path to give to the textures to apply to different parts of the mesh begin with simply 'textures' (as in Textures\armor\JoesCoolArmor\JoesCoolCuirass.dds). Then they will show up properly in-game no matter where you install Oblivion. Here's a wiki article on how to fix the situation: How to fix hard-coded texture paths in NIF files.

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Ya-Hoo! Thank-You!

You Rock Striker879!


I've never used NifScope before, but I'll try it later tonight.

I've had similar issue in the past; and now I know why!

Thank you again for your thoughts on the matter...

I really do appreciate it. I'll post back with an update later.





It's too bad the previous poster didn't have your feedback.

If it wasn't posted so long ago, I'd respond to his thread.

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Woo-Hoo! It worked! Thanks-a-Gazillion!


I never got the texture to show in NifScope,

but the tutorial said it didn't matter,

so I didn't concern myself with it . . . :dance:


And POOF-A-LA!!! I'm sportin' schnazz duds!


Thanks again and again and again Striker879!




P.S. I'll be sure to post when I have my game

completely restored to where it ought to be...

But at this time, I have no questions. Cheers!

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I'm UP and Gaming again! Thanx so much to this forum!

(I have yet to load Morrowind, but I think I'll wait on that.)


The last little bit of issue worked itself out when reinstalling drivers.

Note: Installing drivers is good, but perhaps not during a storm...


I wish those on this forum much Joy and Mirth! Happy Gaming!


Thanks again. :teehee: ~Nom

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