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1.6 update Crashing BUG!!


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You may need to uninstall your mods completely to get past all the issues for certain mods (notably, certain mods that change anims and make new mesh files). You may have to manually move around some of the folders in your Data folder. I would suspect "meshes" and then maybe "scripts," "textures" and "sound" could be problematic. If you use SKSE, make sure that's up to date and everything in the SKSE folder is updated as well.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I've re-installed all my mods multiple times. As well as re-installed Skyrim itself but with no luck. Checked all the folders, files, and everything and they are in the right spot. I tried defragging my hard-drive (I heard if the game doesn't load textures/meshes in a certain amount of time the game automatically CTD), and that worked but only for a little bit. I've even tried adding a mod one at a time and seeing if it will work, but if I have more than two mods on at once, no matter WHAT they are, it will crash as well. So basically what it comes down to is I can't run any mods at all and it will work just fine :wallbash:
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Did you try updating all of your mods? A lot of older mod versions are incompatible with 1.6, but many of them get patched by the creators rather quickly.


Also try gsmanners idea - skse needs to be updated to a version compatible with the game update that you're using, assuming you use skse.

Edited by JackNitro
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Yep, the latest version of SKSE, along with NMM as well. So everything I can see is correct


Ok now go to the mods tab in NMM and look along the far right column. Are there any of these http://www.serup.es/files/Templates/Designs/Serup.es/images/Yellow_warning_sign_30.png ?

Edited by JackNitro
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Hmm...What are your pc specs? Also, have you tried BOSS auto sort? If not, download and place it in your skyrim directory, then run it. If you already have, copy your masterlist onto here so we can see what mods you have.


*If the game loads up and runs for a time then CTDs, its probably either a compatibility issue or your pc not having enough memory for one or more of the mods.

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Downloaded the beta of killmoves and so far no crashes. If it crashes again though I'll do that. Thanks for all the help!


To be clear, you shouldn't be turned off by a mod that claims to be in beta. In fact, you'd be hard-pressed to find a mod that isn't in beta. Mods are constantly under development, so few of them are 100% stable, but each update brings more bug fixes and stability to almost any mod, so always update. If you find an update does make your game crash, modders always keep older versions available on their download pages.

Edited by JackNitro
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