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CBBE Random Bodies


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I've played around with CBBE and the only problem I have with it is that (as far as I could figure out at least) I can only apply the body types to specific outfits, which then affects whoever wears the outfit. My interest in CBBE is immersion, to represent the full variety of the human form in FO4 rather than having everyone in the world have the exact same physique.


I was thinking that maybe when the game presents an NPC the player hasn't seen before it will choose a random body type, perhaps with a bell curve that favors the vanilla body while making the more extreme body types more rare. But then it would need a way to save that selection so the next time the player sees the NPC they haven't suddenly lost 100lb overnight or something.


I don't know if this is even possible, but I thought I'd just toss the idea out there and see if anyone runs with it.


Thanks to all the modders for everything, you're the reason FO4 is the best game I've played so far this century.


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you could try Unique NPCs as it probably will give you the most variety for body shapes.


Not sure but I think each NPC would have to be hand edited to get a maximum variety. for vanilla bodies, you have the 3 sliders in a number value, for muscular thin and fat.. I think. You could achieve more maybe by downloading mods that have different body types creating a nif file of a custom body and assigning it to a specific NPC I think using Outfits. Then of course, include the appropriate clothes into the outfit also. Most clothing outfits include a fitted body nif, So I think making the clothes and fitted CBBE body, etc as one outfit and assigning it to an npc should work? Not sure how to make it so you could loot or remove clothes from different body types though.


Anyway, check out https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21248 if you haven't already. It adds probably a little too much for my current game, but if playing a fully populated Wasteland it would be cool. atm I am striving for a harsh desolate winter wasteland.

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