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Oblivion Resources for Monster Wars?


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Hello all, if any of you guys reading this use my Monster Wars mod you will know that I plan on adding the Oblivion realm of Mehrunes Dagon - The Deadlands.


It's a big project that will expand the mod significantly and I am looking to acquire some good daedric assets to make it look really cool! I already have Hanaisse's Oblivion Gates in Skyrim resource pack which I have added to V4 of MoWars.


Obviously these will be placed around the game for V5 that will serve as the conduits to the Deadlands, and I am now on the lookout for things like daedric towers, furniture, static objects, basically anything that would look aesthetically authentic in the realm.


I have got the base worldspace done (mostly, imagespace needs tweaking) with it's own weather, water (lava), and a small area is being worked on that will grow with several dungeons and mountains.


If anyone knows of any good resources I could use to build I would be very grateful!


OR if there any talented modders who can make some models and/or textures that would be very helpful and you would be included in the page. It could be kind of like a team but informally, I find there is too much pressure when it's made official :tongue:

Edited by Ironman5000
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