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Dustbowl Overhaul vs Moribund World


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So, I had Dustbowl Overhaul before and I liked the look but I heard a big part of my crashes was due having it, I was looking at Moribund World and saw nothing but good reviews on it, it already comes with a weather system so I wouldn't need extra mods for that and stuff... or would it be pretty much the same performance, given they are both overhaul mods?

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Could not find the other mod you were talking about but I have used Dustbowl with no issues in the past your crashes are most likely caused by not having enough video memory due to fallouts inherent limits, so you can use an enb to trick the engine.

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Moribund World is a weather/climate overhaul, whereas Dustbowl Overhaul alters the worldspace by removing most trees/vegetation from view. Both mods do completely different things and technically can be used together. The only caveat would come if alongside Dustbowl, you also want to install the seperate Western Weathers mod made to go with Dustbowl - doing this will likely cancel most of what Moribund World does, so you'd have to pick one or the other.


Dustbowl itself doesn't cause game crashes (can confirm this) so whoever sold you that tale was incorrect. More than likely a mod conflict or an issue within your load order. The only issue that Dustbowl had was related to some instances where birds were perching on invisible trees.


(@Undeadbob666 - Moribund World is only available on Beth.net for unknown reasons, almost like inverted snobery on the mod authors part. If I remember correctly, they made it for some competition that Beth ran with Nvidia to promote the (then) newly launched GTX1080 series)

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Eww Bethnet, is that like an STD or something? Thanks for clearning that up AGreatWeight.


@ignitionchemistry, in my experience using bethnet mods and nexus mods can cause issues - at least for me.

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