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Script conflict and some other questions


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Hello everyone


I am starting a new SSE modded game and I have a few questions


1. I installed two player home mods, Rayek's End and Winter Cove. MO shows two script conflicts between these mods, specifically:





Do these conflicts need to be resolved, as in it' something affecting the stability of the game/causing CTD or I can let it be? How can I solve the conflicts?


2. As a general question, am I right in ignoring various meshes/textures conflicts shown by MO between various mods (mostly SMIM and some texture mods, but also house mods - with the understanding that they will simply overwrite each other according to the load order) as in they will at most cause some visual glitches but not cause CTD/stability issues?


3. I spent some time reading about the bash/smash functions and my understanding is that if I want items from various mods to show in levelled lists, then I need to use it. Lots of folks seem to recommend the relatively new Mator Smash tool (I used Wrye Bash in Oldrim). If I don't intend to merge plugins and I only want to have complete levelled lists and minimize conflicts, am I right in simply making a smashed patch using the Mator tool and just get on with the game?


Please bear in mind I am an amateur modder (as in user not creator of mods) and though I have basic knowledge in using SSEEdit, I would really appreciate detailed advice.


Thank you very much and happy gaming.

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Regarding #1

Both home mods could be using a resource script from another mod. Best thing you can do is see if both mods provide a source file (PSC) for the conflicted scripts. If they do, then check to make sure that the human readable code is identical. If identical, you'll be fine. If not identical, then which ever mod is installed last (has priority on the left side of MO) will work. If they do not provide a source file, you can use Champolion to decompile the PEX into human readable PSC.

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