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51-an improvement over my silly suggestion of missle launchers...atomic bombs...simply get a dragon to do a flyover and don't ever worry about that part of the map


52-An addon to "Sexlivion"....venereal diseases. This is a must for those realism nuts


53- New outfit...pants that hang below your butt. Look just like the latest criminal in prison! Show everyone your ASSets!!


54- City bards and town criers. The bards hang out at busy intersections singing songs of Oblivion and Morrowind lore. The Town Criers rush from town to town spreading the latest news, of which the player's latest exploits are often repeated. Also, coaches and wagons are now part of the landscape. Highwaymen will actually have people to ply their trade on. This would be fun for thief characters to play at for a while..stickup artists.


55- New class: Mime- Now you can bring these living annoyances into the game. Go from town to town getting booed and ridiculed! do the 'climbing a rope' til someone throws something at you.


Once again, 1 out of the 5 is a REAL idea. See if you can guess which one.

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Fantastic as usual Shadow.. altho this one you mentioned


48- Travel rations for those that use realistic eating and sleeping mods- with this you can explore the wilderness at your leisure, probably consists of trail mix, dried fruits and berries, and perhaps beef jerky...great, now I want some beef jerky and all nearby stores are closed) are refillable waterskins out of the question?






Well pretty much, its the HTS Survival Suite (Hunger, Thirst, Sleep)


Its calculates your stats every game hour for the above, and provides "rations" you can buy at most Inns and General Traders and also "Waterskins" available for purchase.


You can fill up the skins at city wells or there is an addon somewhere that lets you use Rivers and Lakes too.


I use this one its actually pretty good. Not too overly annoying like every two mins you get a message saying eat, its actually quite subtle.

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Nice, I'm not much into realism mods of this sort but if that one works like you say, then I'm reconsidering. I may just go ahead and get that one.


Why do those other mods annoy people with constant 'need to eat' and need to drink messages? Geez, I don't eat every two minutes to stay alive in real life.

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Yeah thats what i disliked about them, also the items/spells they added etc.


The one i mentioned has 2 versions _ With Messages + Without Messages (I use without)



All it does is add a ' spell effect ' to the spells part of the inventory that either says



Youre Feeling Fine - SLightly hungry, slightly thirsty, sleepy etc.


to be honest you would never notice it if you didnt look in your inventory, tho it does take your stats down the longer you go without nurishment.






One thing i dont like about this mod is if you dont sleep for a long time, you start to "hallucinate" ghosts. Basicallly this means that a ghost will summon next to you and attack you. If your low level, you WILL die.


So to avoid this i just sleep when needed, Id say this is the only downside to this mod tho, its the best Survival type one iv seen. Try it out

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56) Goblin Witchdoctor toilet paper.....Don't squeeze the Shaman!!


57) Ring of Infinite Stupidity- Now when prompted with quest dialogue, your response is "duh (drool)". This is a must for those who just hate reading.


58) Never Ending Quest of opening doors- Inspired by various Runescape quests I've been through, this quest never ends. A dungeon filled with door after door all with promise of something great at the end. In the meantime, as you're opening the doors, you'll be randomly whisked away to do some meaningless favor for no apparent reason(also a pull on Runescape's random event overload). Your curiousity is peaked by the end of this endless quest...until you open a door into your prize...a portable door!. From this, you can then collect an item of no redeeming value for every NPC in existence ever created for Oblivion. Each item finish prompts you to have to go to the next NPC and so on. After final completion of this, sometime in 2020, you'll be Transported to the realm of infinite doors for the quest for the Ultimate Prize!!! A house filled with doors!!!...endless fun...Of course, each door is a portal to another meaningless fetch quest inspired of course by Runescape. :wallbash:


59) merchant/pioneer caravans. Inspired by the Louis L' Amour NON WESTERN book, The Walking Drum, this caravan, banded together for mutual protection, offers various merchants and entertainers that travel from one city to the other. Filled with carnival and circus like entertainment as well as bards, this caravan fights it's way through villain infested wilderness daily in the hopes of higher profit. Also, these caravans are also centers for great intellectual advancement between provinces as it carries ideas forward. Quests can abound from such an entity, as well as mutual protection for your own forays. You can hire yourself out for a cut of the profits as either a merchant or guard or both. As it travels, it marches to the rhythmic beating of a drum. As the Walking Drum was set in then enlightened Muslim dominated parts of Europe for a large part, the Persian Race mod would fit in nicely.


60) Gigantic waving arms balloons outside merchant stalls!!! yes, what better to draw a person's attention than these annoying piles of garbage?


Once again, 1 of the 5 is a real idea. Can you spot the real one?

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61) Female Body Replacer (underwear) granny panties. "Don't bend over in the garden, granny. YOu know them taters have eyes."


62) Semi Trucks- Tired of hoofing it or riding it from one place to another? Now you can drive there in style. Comes equipped with dipping tobacco and ungodly smell.


63) M4 Abrams Tank and Panzerkampfwagon Tiger 2's!!! Want to be the terror of the roads? squash those annoying characters with your own WW 2 vintage tanks.


64) More wildlife- Squirrels chattering in trees, shiny object thieving raccoons, owls, opossums, skunks,


65) New Immersive music!! Now, every time you meet a female NPC, classic porno music starts up! bom, bom, chicka, bomp.

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How's this for an idea:


Rubber inflatable replicas of the vanilla weapons.For those of you who think that the game is too violent


Retex of the standard bears to look like share bears.Now you can have those cure,cuddly little bears AND CHOP THEM TO PIECES BWAHAHAHA


An animation replacer for the hand to hand combat moves.Changing them to a bitchslap.Be a pimp.


A realm of ice cream where everyone eats,you guessed it VEGETABLES.Become a hero as you save the realm from dentists and as a final boss-The All mighty TOOTHBRUSH and his brother TOOTHPASTE OF DOOM


MP3 players.Yes folks,ditch those lame bards.The devices millenniums from now,today.[batteries not included since we didnt invent them yet]


Is that silly enough for ya Shadow?

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