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Feyn Do Fin Dovah - Bane of the Dragonkin


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When do you expect to merge it with the others (and if I confuse you with that I mean when do you expect to put it all together with everyone else)?

I am just updating the newest of the mods for the dungeon but the quest i am doin is totally different.

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Hey guys! Sorry I vanished for a few days. I just skimmed through all the posts, don't have time to read them right now but yeah.


Uhh, use my ESM as the mods master and just create an outside location for the dungeon and link it too there, then when I merge the mod I can edit/fix whatever is needed.


I'll read through all the posts later tonight.


everyone who is working on this, just reply to this comment and tell me what you're doing. I'll need too load up the CS tonight and do some more work on the mod, been busy with work and life so haven't done much at the momment.



I don't plan on spending a lot of my time of this mod untill I have my new pc, so in about a week i'll being seriously working at this.


Just got my i7 3770k <3

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