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Issue with Pex compile error in companion dialogue quests


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Hey folks, I'm working on a companion and decided to use the Beth format of Com quest and talk quest.


In the Comtalk quest the dismiss dialogue makes a call to the dismiss stage we will call stage 90 in the Com quest using this fragment.


;Calling 00_AmandaCompDialogue's dismiss stage


in the Comtalk you create a stage we will call 10 and add this fragment to make the call to stage 90 dismiss fragment in ComNPC quest. When I compile this fragment I get an error like this.




Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4
Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.
Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

Compiling "AA_:Fragments:Quests:QF_00_AmandaCompTalk_01002667_2"...
C:\Users\Johnnygnote\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\AA_\Fragments\Quests\QF_00_AmandaCompTalk_01002667_2.psc(8,2): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '_AmandaCompDialogue'
No output generated for AA_:Fragments:Quests:QF_00_AmandaCompTalk_01002667_2, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on AA_:Fragments:Quests:QF_00_AmandaCompTalk_01002667_2


Now pipers version of the fragment looks like this


;Calling COMPiper's dismiss stage


Now I'm assuming (usually not a good thing to do) that the call is being made to the dismiss fragment in Comnpc quest but from the snippet


"required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '_AmandaCompDialogue' "


It looks like something is missing in the mix. My companionactoscript is filled out my alias is in place and properties have been created , and both my hire and dismiss fragments compiled. The only thing I can gather is in ComNPC I've actually created the dismiss, scene but I haven't created the dialogue yet. My dialogue is finished in the dismiss scenes in ComTalk but nothing in the other yet. I wouldn't think that would stop the compile process if the scripts are all in place. It does make reference to loop and that leads me to believe it's because the dialogue isn't in the ComNPC quest. Anyway......


If anyone can see what I'n not getting in this error please let me know, I'm about half way through this project but I'm taking my time to do it right. Sorry it's 1:30 a.m. and I'm a bit tired.


Thanks in advance.



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So the answer to this problem for anyone who wishes to know was the use of an incorrect property for the fragment. The fragment for calling to another quest to activate a stage, in this case to dismiss the NPC is



;Calling 00_AmandaCompDialogue's dismiss stage


The mistake I was making was using the Alias Reference Property that is used in the dismissal fragment, I was thinking in terms of dismissing the NPC. The problem was that the fragment making the call is actually calling the Quest that holds the dismissal fragment in stage 90 of the quest so the correct Property was as follows in the image below.




The correct property to create is Quest which becomes Quest const then you attach it to the quest you're calling.


Once i realized that, I was successful in compiling the fragment. The other thing to remember when doing this kind of thing is, that as it is in the hire and dismissal fragments you use the Property name to make the call not the actual name of the object being referenced in the property.



I hope this helps anyone who sees this. Let me know if it does. Papyrus can be a *censored* but if you follow the logic and look hard enough it's like any script, there are only so many places you can go to make it work.

Edited by RadoGamer
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