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CTD for literallly no reason

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Ok I got Fallout off of steam game of the year ed,,but For some reason upon start up the game crashes.With all the DLC it crashes,and when all DLCs are ticked in NMM it still crashes,,I only added about 3 mods,,,nothing major tho.I worked fine last night.I'm not sure if it FOSE or FAllout Fullscreen that is casing it.
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rockygohard18 - Hello!


Fallout 3 crashing on startup is almost always due to a missing master.


In other words one of your mods is missing an .esm or .esp it needs to work.


Untick the mods you added in & see what happens.


If Fallout 3 & the DLC's run fine with your mods unticked that will pretty much confirm this.


If that's the case left click on your mods in NMM, at the bottom should be listed that mod's Masters. Make sure you have all the Masters listed or that mod will crash your game on startup.


For instance, many mods must have CALIBR in order to work, failure to have that would result in a crash on startup.


Hope this helps!



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Yeah I only have a few mods like dragon tatical and FO3Wanders. I just uninstall the game and about to reinstall it now.I mean I did exactly what you said left the DLC and the fallout ESM still didn't work now when I re install it I'm not going to install any mods so soon and try to find the problem..BTW is requiam for a wasteland still on the nexus?
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