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Dwemer forge


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To the Modders


This is a rather large request, but i think it would be a great addition to the game if anyone would like to try and take it on. I have always enjoyed delving into the dwemer ruins of skyrim. Battling a variety of mechanical foes, and watching the piston and steam scenery. But what i felt lacked quite a bit is the ability to really do anything more than battle these creations. What i would like to see is a mod that allows the player to learn and utilize the random pieces of scrap, cogs, etc. and use them to create a variety of items.


To be a bit more detailed. I would like to see a quest to become a dwemer engineer. Possibly even with the ability to level this as a perk as well. The quest would be for a special forge that lets you create a variety of usable items in game. And as you level up this ability, you would gain the knowledge to not just create the dwemer designs, but adapt them and create your own inventions. Below i have a few ideas of what i'm looking for, and while i'm not a modder myself, i can respect that it isn't the easiest thing in the world. So if something i suggest is just not possible i understand.



1. Craft a pack that reduces weight of all Dwemer items. (Even those not added by this mod)

2. Craft able Centurion armor.

Now this is where i realize it might not be possible, but ill say it just in case it is. In reference to the Centurion armor, it would be neat if you could craft the dwemer design at first, and while wearing it, you have its weapons and abilities. Including that the helmet replaces your shouts with the steam blast. And when your skill in engineering increases and you gain the ability to modify the existing items. you could modify to remove or improve the helmet. The Helmet could be improved to enhance shouts like unrelenting force could have a megaphone added to increase range/width/throwing force, but because of the power of the thu'um, the megaphone needs a moment to fix or something, affecting cool-down.

Fire breath could be enhanced by an air compressed tank on the back of the helmet. And by holding your shout longer it blasts air into fire breath causing it to hurt more, or maybe char weaker enemies to the bone. The cool down would be increased by the air tank needing a refill. And possibly a second tank could be added to allow the shout twice.

3. Air tank that allows the basic fire stream spell to be used longer or endlessly if not overpowered.

4. Legs to make whirlwind sprint throw enemies you run into.

5. Staff with centurion core on it to summon a dwemer sphere guardian.


These are a few of my ideas, but i would just like to see this mod as an option. Even if none of those things are used. I do like balance so i do understand if these ideas are to much.

Please note that i very much enjoy detail and story elements, and while their doesn't need to be an hour long quest to the edges of the world, i would like to see more than a "here, have all the stuff" quest.




A fellow Elder Scrolls fan



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