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Idle Pose in Journal/Inventory


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Hello everybody,


I'm kind of new in the modding world, but I love it so far :) I spend more time trying to mod TES IV Oblivion more than playing at this point lol...

I was looking around for a long time, but couldn't find anything that suits me... It is about the Idle pose in the Journal : this pose is horrible and I would like to change it to something.... let's say different ? more feminine ?


I found one mod that actually makes the pose "blank", that's how the modder describes it, it is better than the original of course, but it is not what I'm looking for.

Is there any mods out there that actually change this pose for something different ? I saw some awesome pose for weapons so I guess it is definitely possible ? I read an article that explained how to do it : creating an "idle" inventory pose with an invisible weapon.


Thing is... I'm no modder, so I would like to know if anybody out there would be interested to work on something like this ? I do not know how difficult it would be though...



Anyways, thank you for reading,

I hope a modder will find some interest in my request if the work is not too hard :)


Have a good day !!

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Have a look at Blockhead ... specifically at Blockhead_readme.rtf from the extracted download. The second paragraph of the Fine Print section details how to change your inventory idle animation.


Now I admit, I've never used this aspect of Blockhead myself, but using Blockhead in general is simply a matter of putting files into the correct folder path and renaming them. Rest assured that later today, when I get a chance I'll be poking around in my game's Meshes\Characters\_male folder and rereading that Fine Print section ... my interest is piqued.


Edit - Yup, just a matter of renaming and copying some files plus a little INI editing. The limitation is that if you are after a non-combat pose when your character has no weapon equipped (including no fists out) is that you will lose whichever weapon out inventory pose you override.


I tested using an arms by the side idle pose and made the INI tweaks to have that override handtohand idle. When unarmed (meaning no weapon equipped plus no fists raised) the arms at the side idle was used in the Inventory screen but when fists were equipped the Inventory screen still used the arms by the side idle. Using only that single override for handtohand idle all the other weapon Inventory screen idles used whichever weapon was currently equipped (weapon out or sheathed) same as vanilla.


My guess is that this is a game engine limitation, and only handtohand plus weapon idles are options for the Inventory screen.


Edit 2 - To anyone running across this thread ... be sure to read the entire thread. Both OblivionRora and I have run into some "difficulties" as a result of using Blockhead's Inventory overrides, and you should be certain to read the whole story before embarking on your own adventure.

Edited by Striker879
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Hello Striker, thank you (again) for your reply,


I'm using Blockhead since I modded my TES IV Oblivion, but never thought I could use it to solve my issue. I'm gonna give it a try today... I just read your answer and I think I understand what you meant. I hope I will be able to achieve what I want :)


Thank you again,

I will edit this post if I manage to do it myself ^^

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No problem.


Now that I have it figured out I'll be of a bit more help than before (so thanks for helping me cram a bit more knowledge into the old noggin).

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Haha you're welcome ^^ But you are the one who truly help me out every time ;p


Anyways, I tried what you said and yes it does indeed work the way you mentioned. So you loose an idle pose (with weapon) to replace it for you original idle pose... Well since I never use staves, I used my Staf Idle Pose for my "neutral" pose and it works like a charm. I did have to use TES Construction Set though... for some reasons it disabled some animations and I had to re-check them (no big deal except I did freak out a bit... no I did freak out A LOT when it did not work the first time lol).


Thanks for resolving my issue (again) !

You're great !!



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Generally speaking, topics don't get closed here except in cases of things like flame wars.


Ran into a bit of trouble resulting from this experiment myself ... game wouldn't start after undoing the testing changes!! Took a bit of head scratching and trying things to find the culprit. Somehow or other my installed Idle.kf was crashing the game on save load or new game. Once I restored a good Idle.kf all seems to be back to normal.


What had me going was that the crash was very similar to a missing master crash (crash right as the save began loading), so I wasted some time chasing down that false trail. And of course, as so often happens when I get poking around through my downloaded animation mods (which mostly are not installed, but serve as a source for Blockhead PerNPC overrides), when I did the Inventory override test I also swapped out some other installed animations (think I may have found some BBBed swim and sweeping/userake animations in a long overlooked download from who knows how long ago).


I'll add an edit to my original post advising anybody stumbling across this that they should read the entire thread, so that they'll be aware of possible pitfalls. If you read the Change Log part of Blockhead_readme.rtf you'll see that way back at version 8.1 there was a part of the Inventory Idle override removed. Could be the part that remains isn't "bug free".

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