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black line around magic


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So I got a new GPU today upgraded from a 9800 to a gtx550. Played some other games which seemed to be fine but when I got on skyrim I noticed a weird effect around my magic spells its like a black line you can see in the screen shot. the only graphic settings I changed was AA and Antistropic filtering. 8x AA and 12X AF.



Edited by nick20404
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I have this bug as well on my Nvidia GTX 560 it's happened after the 1.6 update apparently after reading from other sources the 300.00 series drivers aren't compatible with something changed in 1.6 sucks I know. I tried the beta drivers didn't fix anything hopefully it's fixed soon I hate it. Knowing Bethesda there going to let some random modder fix this for them.


Better example I found on the steam forums.


Edited by hiperpoo
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