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Way to get back a lost CM companion ?


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my CM companion is lost, and I have read the CM FAQ that partner ring is not used to summon the companion that is lost in wildness, so

Could someone tell me that is there any command in the console which could summon a npc or companion to me ?

or any other way to get her back @.@?

thx :thanks:

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some ideas you could try ( if you haven't tried them)


1: Fast travel somewhere anywhere if she is still following you she should appear

2: wait a hour or 24 she might appear

3: retrace your steps to find her


if they don't work perhaps someone else can help you there


Col John Sheppard

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You should have two rings, one for the partner to warp to you, and one that warps you to them. I can't remember if it takes you to where they are, or where they spawned though. I have lost my follower a few times, and the readme states the rings don't work in Shivering Isles, but she seems to come back after a certain amount of time. The other thing is if you are not using an essential companion, they may have been killed. Otherwise, I would follow ty's advice and just try waiting.
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Palpenious just raised a point there... what CM Partner are you using?


@Palpneious great i am called ty again


Col John Sheppard

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thank you all, I am using CM 1.8

and sadly, I checked the companion mod on CS, it is non-essential .....I feel guilty to leave her in wildness =_=

btw... I found a command in gamefaqs which can summon npc "player.placeatme <Form ID>"

is this cmd only for summoning npc which still alive ?

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Or you could disable the plugin (uncheck it), load your game, re-save the game, re-enable your plugin and then start like it was just installed.


But if you want to make sure your companion doesn't die, use the Construction Set to edit the plugin and make the companion "Essential"



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Or you could disable the plugin (uncheck it), load your game, re-save the game, re-enable your plugin and then start like it was just installed.


But if you want to make sure your companion doesn't die, use the Construction Set to edit the plugin and make the companion "Essential"




if im right and you got the full CM partners and not added one your own ( make one one CS) the ones already added with the CM partners mod should have a "Essential" plugin that should do the trick ( if your using one that is already in the mod


Col John Sheppard

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