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Frequent CTD on inventory/power/main menus, frequent freezing on forge/purchase menus


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That is strange, maybe this helps :/

I was under the impression that ENB came with that these days. It's the whole reason I use ENB is to have ENBoost.


After great difficulty I got SKSE plugin preloader working and the crash fix. However, ENB still crashes whenever I install it. Whatever my problem is, it is directly tied to ENB. Going to try playing without ENB for a while to see if the preloader/crash fix combo works well enough. But for some reason ENB just won't work no matter what I do. It CTDs like crazy as soon as I install it. As soon as I delete it, things start working normally.


Now I have read the ENB conflicts with Nvidia A Lot. But none of the workarounds regarding that have worked thus far. So ENB might not be an option. I'm not sure what exactly is wrong, but ENB refuses to work on my new computer (but worked wonders on my old computer). I don't get it but that's how things stand.

Edited by WakahisaSensei
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But does it work if you just use a normal ENB as a test?

So you can see if it is the enb files that make trouble or Enboost.

Not sure what you mean by this. When I use the wrapper version for standard ENB my CTD rate jumps up a lot but it solves the rest of my issues completely. However the CTDs are more frequent then all of the other problems put together (and that's saying something) thus making Skyim unplayable 9/10 times. That is to say, 9 out of the 10 times I start the game or try to load a file it will CTD within 5 minutes. the tenth time it might work for some extended play. Without ENB I can play without CTD usually, but it might freeze or crash after an hr.


Never used injector version because I don't understand the difference/how it works.

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So to remove the ENB did you really remove all files? Because if you forget one dll file it could also crash. Try using this one here to manage your ENBs.

Because if it still crashes with the ENB completely removed it is something wrong with your Load order, or your skyrim.ini or skyrimprefs.ini

Keep me up to date, I really wanna know what causes this weird bug.

Also try using an ENB but with all your mods removed(like only with racemenu, skyui and alternate start and check if it works then)

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So to remove the ENB did you really remove all files? Because if you forget one dll file it could also crash. Try using this one here to manage your ENBs.

Because if it still crashes with the ENB completely removed it is something wrong with your Load order, or your skyrim.ini or skyrimprefs.ini

Keep me up to date, I really wanna know what causes this weird bug.

Also try using an ENB but with all your mods removed(like only with racemenu, skyui and alternate start and check if it works then)

The other crashes are caused by the memory leaks that ENBoost fixes.


On a fresh install without any mods, ENB induced CTD. That's how I found out it was ENB in the first place.


When I delete ENB I am very careful to delete all (and only) ENB related things. I have had my INI's checked several times over (Including this thread of posts).


The most likely candidate that I am considering at the moment, at the advice of the guy who made ENB, is that my Nvidia drivers are too advanced for the ENB. He advised I roll them back, but I don't know how to do that without possibly causing issues for my other games (Not even sure if I can do that on a win10 OS to be honest).


It could also be related to directx runtimes. Apparently people advise a specific version/date for directx and I'm not sure which I have (or how to make Skyrim choose one or the other if I have multiple versions for different games.)


I am 100% certain it is not related to mod conflicts or load order. I am using the exact same mods and load order as I did with my old computer, and it worked perfectly then. The issue is most likely related to graphics/memory rather than mods or load order. Now I am trying to run with better graphics, but adjusting to lower graphics did not improve my situation in any noticeable way.


Anyway, that's the way things stand. I have suspects for the problem but no Idea how to test these solutions without causing problems for my other installed games. As much as I hoped this computer would make skyrim modding more fun, it is not the only reason I got it.


Also, if I did not mention it prior, I am using MO2. Not sure if that makes much of a difference regarding ENB or not.

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I switched to injector and that just might have done it. But now I'm getting weird graphical glitches with certain outfits that I didn't have before. Going to discuss that in a different thread. On the off chance that you've heard of something like that occurring, let me know if you have an idea on how to fix it.

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