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Follower can be killed Mod?


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You don't really need a real mod for that, you can tweak an .ini file to disable essential tags.


That said, followers are really dumb which is why they're immortal. They will be easily killed by the first mob with a Fatman if not sooner.


I made a mod that removes the essential tags but it's only controlled use. You first have to fire a weapon at them to make them mortal. I'm not sure that's what you're looking for.


I also cannot recommend other mods either, I've never seen one that actually works. All they did was disable the NPC tags but they didn't do anything about scripts that re-enable the tags. They're also very incompatible with every other mod since they change way too many NPCs.


The best way I can think of doing a clean mod for that would be:


1. Script that disables the NPC immortal tags for each NPC, but doesn't edit them

2. Make the script loop at some point so even if the tags get re-enabled by some quest, they go away soon after.

Edited by ToroMontana
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There's five followers that are set as essential for main story purposes. They are vital in such a way that even if you kill everything else you can still proceed with the main story. I don't really know what happens if they're dead. It could be the game assumes they are there and has cutscenes with them talking, but not really there. Or worst case scenario it will break the story progression.


These followers are:

  • Dogmeat
  • Nick Valentine
  • Preston Garvey
  • Piper Wright
  • Codsworth (not 100% sure about this one)


If you don't mind using the console you can turn their essential status off, making them killable.


Use this command: setessential <baseID> 0


BaseID is not the id you get when selecting them, you need to find it on the wiki or through other console commands. For instance the baseID for Piper is 00002f1e. You can find this on the wiki, but also by typing: help piper 4 in the console. Typing setessential 00002f1e 0 will make Piper killable and typing setessential 00002f1e 1 will make her unkillable.

Edited by AeonsLegend
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