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Skyrim Modded Npcs Don't Appear


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I'm still very inexperienced in skyrim modding, and I am again having troubles with things that are probably quite simple to fix.

So I made a merchant npc based on this tutorial


I also made a small room and placed the npc in the room.




However, when entering said room, the npc is nowhere to be found.

A few re-enters makes the npc come back, but when exiting and re-entering makes the npc simply disappear again.

I decided to ask a friend I had on steam, who coincidentally also uses the creation kit, about this odd bug.

He said that he had this problem as well, and told me to look online for a fix.


I could not find anyone other than the two of us that had a problem, so I decided to turn to the forums.


So that being said, anyone have/had this problem and has a fix for it? If so, please please PLEASE reply.

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Is your NPC completely from scratch? If not, it may have a package that is conflicting with where you placed it, like a sandbox specific to a different place.

If it is a new npc have you added any packages, such as a default sandbox package? You might need one - AI packages aren't really my forte, though, but I would guess the package is the problem

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  • 1 month later...
I was having the same problem as you, I made a new npc placed him and couldn't find him in game. This might not apply to you, but I placed him in a new cell. I had not yet done navmesh to that cell, when I placed navmesh under my npc he appeared! Check the navmesh where you placed your new npc, perhaps that's it! =)
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