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CTD on launch, need help Identifying problem


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Hello Special Edition Forums

I am not a newcomer to the modding scene and I can usually figure out what's conflicting and what's wrong but not in this circumstance. I have recently downloaded a new mod list for my game via the Vortex Installer, however, I have been unable to load the game as soon as the SKSE64 launcher is launched and the Bethesda logo comes up my game instantly crashes to desktop... as far as the Plugin list goes I do believe everything is in Suggested load order. No errors or unresolved conflicts were detected by the Vortex organizer. I'd appreciate help at this time as I myself am not sure what to do next.

The load order from LOOT is in a text document attached to this post below

If you need any other info please let me know

I'll be incredibly thankful for your help everyone! :laugh:

Edited by Doomonyou1999
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The reason for a crash right after the Beth logo is a missing master. LOOT is a good tool, but it's not perfect and has been known to put mods above the files they rely on. Double check your load order. You should make sure that any mod which depends on another mod to work loads after (below) the required mod.


EDIT: I think I see the problem. The Beyond Bruma patch for iNeed is loading before iNeed.

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The reason for a crash right after the Beth logo is a missing master. LOOT is a good tool, but it's not perfect and has been known to put mods above the files they rely on. Double check your load order. You should make sure that any mod which depends on another mod to work loads after (below) the required mod.


EDIT: I think I see the problem. The Beyond Bruma patch for iNeed is loading before iNeed.


I have tried your suggestion but the error still persists. I even added some patches for certain mods and it still crashes to desktop on launch... My updated load order has been added to the post for anyone to look at.

Edited by Doomonyou1999
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