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Maven's Consigliere


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Hey all! I am planning on adding a Consigliere (or advice-giver) for Maven - a custom NPC that you can go to for doing the BlackBriar's family business. And really I'm just looking for ideas for tasks you would want to do for them :) It's going to be a really simple mod - just the addition of one NPC with voiced dialogue - and a few short quests to complete (like tasks).


So far I'm thinking:

* People to be offed/killed

* Items to be stolen

* Loot to be transported safely



What do you think? :) And is there anything you would like to do as a task?

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Hmm, being sent to beat up random people for not paying their dues (like in the Companions quests) would work too, and there are already the voice files for that. In fact, you pretty much just need a new quest giver and text for the same quests.


Edit: you could probably even have some that use standard voice files to just threaten someone. Just deliver some "Da boss says yous pay OR ELSE" line, or "Da boss says pay up or sleep with da fishes..." and have the NPC go "Ok, I give up!" or whatever voice files are available.

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That's true - I could reuse some of the thieves guild dialogue for things like that. :) I'd like to do something more than what the thieves guild offers though. Something different... I just don't know exactly what yet haha


I think one interesting thing would be "protection" where you follow a person or group and escort them through a tough situation. Maybe standing guard at a house for a night to ward off a known assassin.

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Get an order to accuire (a number of) poisons. Like get X frostbite poisons.

Get an order to poison the food of npc's with (Maybe nonlethal) poisons.

Go around a number of people to get protection money and make sure that those who don't pay will pay next time.

Replace things, for example replace document X with document Y before the courier delivers it. (maybe add an option to kill the courier and impersonate him)

Or another replace action where you would switch documents in possession of someone (But you absolutely can't kill him)

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I cast him as a Bosmer (In my fanfic, be great for a mod too.) Kinda Peter Lorre' playing Frank Nitti, creepy, gets the door, and is silently menacing in the background... No doubt hideously deadly, probably poisoned arrow, or dagger to the kidney. Never really went anywhere, but I got a whole background story for him, like most of my characters. Constantly going back to the Achemy Table, all the ingredients nearby are poisonus, Daerdic Bow of Please Don't Shoot Me With That on a display over his bed... Picked up with a bunch of smugglers from Valenwood, even there, his pleasure in cleaning animals was seen as kind of,.. odd.


Real dressed up, Fine clothes, nice haircut. Like Faendal, only, you know, Evil. If you could, make him skulk about the rooftops of Riften for random intervals at night. He mostly does Survailance, but if someone does need to die, and you don't want to wait for the DBH...


I called him Fael Shiba, (Arabic for Wormwood.)

Edited by Psiberzerker
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Well it will have to be a girl because I'm going to do the voice acting for her (as it is a lot faster and I can do all of the dialogue directly, get exactly the right tone etc. without having to coach on anything) Edited by Cynster
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It may be to hard to implement but framing someone for other crimes, like murder.

Gets two targets at the same time, One dead, one in prison.

Transform people in vampires?

Edited by Myuym
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