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What the hell? (One Ring only, No Fortify Alchemy)


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Is this with that new .6 or something Skyrim update or is there a mod fking with my game?


There are no items with the "fortify Alchemy" enchantment, Muiri's Ring and the Ring of Pure Mixtures are not disenchantable.

Next, I can only wear ONE damn ring. Seriously, what the hell? You should be able to wear TEN, or even TWENTY (Twenty one for males perhaps) rings, there shouldn't be a limit so long as you have an appendage that could wear the ring.

But no. I can only wear ONE now. It was already lame enough with only two when you have ten fingers.


One ring, and nothing I can use to boost my alchemy. *angry*.

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Is this with that new .6 or something Skyrim update or is there a mod fking with my game?


There are no items with the "fortify Alchemy" enchantment, Muiri's Ring and the Ring of Pure Mixtures are not disenchantable.

Next, I can only wear ONE damn ring. Seriously, what the hell? You should be able to wear TEN, or even TWENTY (Twenty one for males perhaps) rings, there shouldn't be a limit so long as you have an appendage that could wear the ring.

But no. I can only wear ONE now. It was already lame enough with only two when you have ten fingers.


One ring, and nothing I can use to boost my alchemy. *angry*.


Use this mod. I've used it since I first found it.


Skyrim Unlimited Rings and Amulets.


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