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Stuttering without FPS drop


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Hello all.


Have had Skyrim for quite some time but just recently began playing heavily. Just today, while playing in the "Bleak Falls Barrow" I began to notice a stutter when approaching many objects. I had considered it might be area dependant, but this is now happening in older saves in different areas. Just to emphasize, I have been playing with the exact same settings and selection of mods heavily for days, so I am reasonably certain it isn't an errant mod.


In appearance, it is much the same as FPS stuttering, but this occurs without any drop in FPS -- none, I stay at a solid 30 FPS. I have tried disabling Mouse Acceleration which had no effect. Neither my CPU nor GPU appear to be overstrained (specs at bottom of post).


To further add to the oddity of this suddenly appearing issue, it only happens in first-person view. 3rd person is fine, as is free camera mode (tfc).


I am using Skyrim patched to with latest "Superb-RL" ENB, SKSE and ScriptDragon.


CPU - i7 2600k @ 4.2ghz / GPU - GTX 570 @ stock / 16gb RAM / Win7 x64 / Most recent Nvidia drivers and system as clean as a whistle.


Will be happy to supply any more information. Hoping someone is familiar with this issue.

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I've noticed that whenever I finally break down and find a community to ask about problems, I solve them almost immediately after. :) Passing on the solution for the sake of posterity, and the odd chance someone else encoutners this problem.



I had installed EVGA Precision recently for software fan control and FPS limiter. I didn't care for it and fully uninstalled it shortly after (clean uninstall with Revo, right down to the registry).


The FPS limit of 30 persisted after uninstall. Since this is official software for the card, my guess is it stores such data in low level memory of the GPU itself, making it persist even after removal!


Long story short, EVGA Precision frame limiter + GTX 570 = very stuttery Skyrim! Also increased load times dramatically and made other software stutter (browser pages). Don't touch it.


Happy dragon hunting everyone.

Edited by depravitus
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