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Question about world spaces


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So I've been doing screen captures for a while now using the all ready existing parts of the game. But in the last year I started playing with the CS and the Cm Partner mod to give me more of a set and actors.

But this week I found myself in a bit of a pickle I wanted to make a copy of the city world spaces. My intent was to have the duplicate city world space, so I could have the empty stages to do all sorts of stuff with. While keeping the normal game worlds unchanged. But I keep getting stuck at step three.

Step one (so far) is to load the default Oblivion ESM, Better Cities.ESM and ESP and CM Partners.ESM and ESP with no active ESP. Step two is Duplicate the city world spaces and step three is save the new AtWiaS.ESP.

At step three is where I have issues. As soon as I click the save button or select it from the file selection I get a pop up that states that the TES CS has stopped working.


Any help or suggestions are welcome.

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Duplicating worldspaces tends to make the CS very unstable... perhaps try saving an empty esp first. Close the CS and then reopen the new esp before duplicating a worldspace. As soon as it's done, click the save button before doing anything else. If you're going to duplicate more than one worldspace, consider restarting the CS after each worldspace done.
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That was my first thought.

I also tried starting a clean save with just the Oblivion.esm, then added the Better City.esm and esp one at a time save/close between each. The crash happens when the Better City.esp is added.



After banging my head against the wall for a second day I opted to use the Better Cities Chorrol mod rather then start with a new file. Was able to get it working as a city stage.

Edited by Aurasoma
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