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Stretched Meshes and Invisible Triangles Since Upgrading to Windows 7


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I recently wiped my computer and upgraded from Vista 32bit to Windows 7 64bit. All my drivers are up to date.


On Vista I had no problems getting mods to work so when I installed Oblivion after upgrading I installed exactly the same mods and had loads of graphical errors so I did a clean install and installed the mods one by one to find out where the problem is.


So far I've found the following problems (I can only tell you the first thing I noticed as I deleted the mod as soon as I saw a problem):


Unofficial Oblivion Patch (installed by self installer then tried again as omod): This mod causes problems with the streets in the Imperial City Market District - random triangles use a different cobble texture.


Better Cities (installed as omod then tried manually): Love this mod but since upgrading there are loads of invisible triangles and stretched meshes spanning streets and all sorts - again only looked in Imperial City Market District.


Roberts Female Body: Didn't try this on Vista but liked it a bit better then exnems so tried it this time. Again lots of invisible triangles and stretched meshes for example the stomach was stretched between the wrists. This was obvious as soon as I installed it in the sewers so don't know if it had the same effect on NPCs.


Have gone back to exnems for body mod which so far is working fine.


If anyone knows a solution to this problem i'd be very grateful - I loved better cities and I had to install UOP last time to resurect the guy who sells the house in skingrad.



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Is your processor capable of running windows 64 bit? I understand that installing Ubuntu 64 bit onto a computer with a 32 bit processor can harm the computer. Please make sure you have the correct version of windows running. If your CPU doesn't have 64 bit architecture, you are running a risk of hurting your computer by just turning it on. Return the 64 bit version to the retailer and ask for the 32 bit version (I am assuming you didn't pirate it lol).


You could also have problems with the graphics card you are running. Especially if you have drivers for the 64 bit version but are running it on a 32 it processor.



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