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Monster mod question


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When I bought new PC, I was excited about installing Skyrim and modding the game. So far, nothing bad happened out of it, but I'm careful about installing mods, I use Wrye Bash, I sort my mods with LOOT and everything works like a charm. Or at least it used to.


When I installed Skyrim Monster mod, I've also installed Musume Mod with Lore add-on, which basically makes mod lore friendly. However, some five hours and several saves afterwards, I realized my boars are invisible. I thought "Well heck, that Lore add-on just erased monsters but they keep spawning?" and I was partially right, but it's not only boars, It's abominations and few other creatures. After some research I realized Bashed Patch causes this issue, but this far in game reinstalling the mod won't do a thing.


The only fix I have found is using SSedit to manually remove Boars, Abominations and other invisible creatures, but will it break the game? Will the game remember it used to spawn this creatures and continue trying to spawn, making my game crash since edits are removed?

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