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How would people feel about a Nervaraine themed DLC?


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For those who don't know, during the main questline of Morrowind, your character discovered that they were Nerevaraine, the reincarnation of the mighty Nerevar. Thing is, he went missing some 200 years ago (I think) in a expedition that was hinted to during Oblivion idle conversations to the Outer Realm(s).


Now, if you are like me, you greatly enjoyed Morrowind, as well as Oblivion...as well as Skyrim.


However. The one thing I dislike about TES is that it kind of leaves the ending of the PC hanging...we don't know what happned to the Champion of Cyrodil when he aged, and I doubt much will be le out about our Dovahkhiin, however, they DID let slip that little thing about our Morrowind hero.



I could not find the exact easter egg on youtube, however, I specifically remember hearing a Dark Elf and someone else discussing recent events in the West Weald inn. Anyway, I would like to see somthing like this happen, dig up Nerevarine for one final parade and what not. Also. I would REALLY like to see some of these Outer Realms, such as the continent containing the Akaviri, which (I also THINK) contains maybe 3 or 4 unique races that are confirmed.


The Dwemer dissapeered to one of these Outer Realms


litteraly unlimited ways to tell the story, as long as it is made well


To fix up race descrepancies and such, they could add a way to create your Nerevarine from scratch, so design his apearance, skills etc. etc.


Plenty of design space for archetecture, armour, weapons, skills, races



there are probably plenty of other bits and bobs that this could benefit off, but that is all I can think of atm, If this was made well and properly, I could see myself slapping down 30-50 Australian for it, hell, make a whole new game for it if they need to.

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They can't very well give you the option to play 8 different races, and then try to come up with a realistic explanation for your character's future. What if you chose to be a vampire? You could very well be alive still.


Has it ever been documented how long the human races lived? Elves live hundreds of years, but people just assume because they're men, they live the same as we do, but this isn't exactly the milky way we're talking about here.

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Interesting Idea but how would you go about it? Not to mention all the different things that the Nerevar did from game to game, same for the unnamed hero of the Oblivion crisis and Shivering Isles incident. How many tried to stay out of the theives guild of dark brotherhood? And how many actually went and joined the knights of the nine? Al pertinent questions.
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Nerevar went to akavir as it´s mentioned in oblivion but akavir is a continent not another realm, the lore doesn´t say fr certain what happened to the dwemer also. But a DLC happpening in akavir would be interesting, anything different from cyrodil and oblivion would be nice, I miss the exotic landscapes of morrowind :(
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From what I recall the Nevarine sailed to Akavir after the events of Morrowind and the expansions, and the Hero of Cyrodil becomes Sheogorath in the shivering isles and may very be the same Sheo in that quest in Skyrim
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Dude, the earlier games were 200, and 250 years ago, respectively. I don't remember anything about them being Immortal in either game. If there were a Nerevarine, it would be a new one, and probably more concerned with leading the Dunmer refugees back to drive out the Argonians.
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I can see where you guys are coming from, and I thought Akavire was technically an Outer Realm?


In any case, all I thought was that since Nervarine dissapered without a trace, there could be a questline to find out wha happned to him with the POSSIBILITY of him "some how" surviving. As I stated above, there are limitless ways to go about this because the Akaviri have never really had an in-depth look, nether have the other race on their country/continent/island


Also, in reply to the problem with not really being able to craft a nerevarine with all he did, you could also be given the option for what Dragon Age 2 did and give pre-built Stories. Not perfect but it could work.

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Because the Nerevarine is a former PC, which means the character is defined by what the player did, offical DLC about him/her is highly unlikely. A Plugin, on the other hand, is perfectly in order.


I myself am actually working on one right now, though it's slow going. To explain away inconsistancies with how others played Morrowind, i've explained it away as the Nerevarine being CHIM, and it all being his/her own pocket reality... but thats bordering on self promotion and i won't go any further into THAT.


I can see the potential for a Morrowind themed offical DLC, but reviving characters from past games runs the risk of invalidating the game experiences of players. Bethesda has made some poor choices recently (the whole Civil War fiasco, for instance) but i don't think their ready to abandon the core of the Elder Scrolls experience just yet.

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Because the Nerevarine is a former PC, which means the character is defined by what the player did, offical DLC about him/her is highly unlikely. A Plugin, on the other hand, is perfectly in order.


I myself am actually working on one right now, though it's slow going. To explain away inconsistancies with how others played Morrowind, i've explained it away as the Nerevarine being CHIM, and it all being his/her own pocket reality... but thats bordering on self promotion and i won't go any further into THAT.


I can see the potential for a Morrowind themed offical DLC, but reviving characters from past games runs the risk of invalidating the game experiences of players. Bethesda has made some poor choices recently (the whole Civil War fiasco, for instance) but i don't think their ready to abandon the core of the Elder Scrolls experience just yet.


Curious, what do you mean by "The core of the Elder Scrolls experience"

Edited by SneakyHat
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