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Mesh all over the place ingame


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So, in 3ds max it looks like this:


and ingame like this:


How do I fix that?

Some pieces are based on different body meshes, though I don't think that should be a problem.

2 pieces use different skeletons than the rest, could that be the cause?

I have no idea what I'm doing, really. I basically only mimicked some tutorials I found.

Edited by KaranVess
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Textures and bones can get screwed up when you import from 3ds max. According to NIghtasay's tutorials, your best bet is to open up a clean copy of the .nif file you used for your base body (unp, cbbe, stock, etc.), then open up your armor .nif, and copy just the armor over top of the clean body in nifskope. Then take the bsshader info from a stock set of clothing or armor and paste it in place of your armor's texture info and then change the texture files.


Video 15 explains it better than I did:



If that's not it, then did you make an armor for both the _0 and _1 weight sliders?

Edited by Stemin
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Textures and bones can get screwed up when you import from 3ds max. According to NIghtasay's tutorials, your best bet is to open up a clean copy of the .nif file you used for your base body (unp, cbbe, stock, etc.), then open up your armor .nif, and copy just the armor over top of the clean body in nifskope. Then take the bsshader info from a stock set of clothing or armor and paste it in place of your armor's texture info and then change the texture files.



That's not gonna work. I had to edit some polygons to make some parts fit to the body.

I believe the different skeletons to be the problem. How to fix that I have no idea, though.

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That's not gonna work. I had to edit some polygons to make some parts fit to the body.

I believe the different skeletons to be the problem. How to fix that I have no idea, though.


You mean you edited the body to make the armor fit it? If you did, then that's probably your problem. I don't have a solution.

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That's not gonna work. I had to edit some polygons to make some parts fit to the body.

I believe the different skeletons to be the problem. How to fix that I have no idea, though.


You mean you edited the body to make the armor fit it? If you did, then that's probably your problem. I don't have a solution.

No, the other way around, I edited the armor to fit to the body. I did the same with a different mashup and it worked perfectly fine.

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what i do, do skinwrap, on full body mesh(unp or whatever,) fo face deform on skin wraptool and put fallof down to 000.0001 or lowest possible(convert to skin) , then open enveloped, click on each bone in skin, and u see where it colors ure mesh, if u click on a bone that dosnt effect ure mesh, delete it.


golden rule, if the char still moves weird,, the more red envelope color is more effect the bone, think of how a ragdoll looks like, that makes it easy to assign proper weight


rainbow by all bendable part,wrist, red on non bendable part, legs,arms, the whole torso is rainbow more or less


in ure case i would prolly use skirt bone for thoose hanging clothes down the leg

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Yours is a skinning problem.


As theru suggested, again skin wrap is great and probably will get you 80-95% of the way to a decent rig (depending on how well you've adapted the armor in the first place). Check problem areas - for my models, it's typically the finger joints, shoulder, knee, foot, and the head/neck region (see the pattern - joints are tough to rig correctly - but skin wrap can do a surprisingly decent job if your armor isn't too weird). Check any red/orange where it is not supposed to be (just hold down down arrow on the bone list and see if anything looks wrong).

Edited by jimhsu
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