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Why do the riften guards constantly beat up thieves there


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@ f raquar "Maven doesn't get directly involved in the day to day operations - she stays behind the scenes and just expects results".



Listen to the dialog from the townfolk and especially in the court. She is directly involved in everything in Riften and of Skyrim. Then go and listen while down in the cistern in the thieves area. Oh, wait, is that Maven you see down there once ina while. I think it is. Hmm, it seems she also has ties to the Thalmor, after all she is one of the few honorees at the embasy. I also remember she is mentioned as an old friend from another person in whiterun. Then you are conscripted by her to elimate her only rival and take control of that asset. I do believe once you are in the DB, there is mention of her there too. She and Astrid are old friends. When you are hired to steal a horse from the Blackbriers, later on, if you are fortunate enough, you come across the individual getting chopped down. The assailant says this is a msg from Maven and kills him, then walks off.


Yes, she is involved and heavily so.

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