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Looking for SIMPLE Survival Mod


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i had to work for a long time and lost sight of all the mods, so now that i have time to play again, i seek a simple survivor mod.

What i want is Hunger,Thirst and Tiredness (Sleep is needed), what i dont want (completely) stopped Health/Mana/Stamina Regen. A Debuff would be nice but complete stop is not "logicall".

I intend to install "Frostfall", so it would be nice if the mod is working with that.


Does someone know a mod thats simple and has the wanted features?


(I heard of a mod that showed how nutrisious a potato is, and i needed to balance it...i DONT want that)




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Hi Don


It sounds like you should check out ManSh00ters mod called "Total realism-Basic needs". It doesnt complicate things to much but still makes it nececary to eat, drink and sleep.


You can check out his mod here "http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10843".


I also want to mention how often you get hungry or thirsty, it realy depends on how you play, but i felt it happened a bit to often. But this was only because Skyrims default ingame time

moves quite fast. 1 real life minutes = 20 minutes ingame. I believe ManSh00ter made it possible to modify the rates on how often the script should trigger, cant realy remember.


Anyhoow i followed the guide found on the following page in order to finetune the mod in to my personal taste "http://j-u-i-c-e.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Change-the-Timescale-in-Skyrim".

You should check out his vanillaa settings first tough, and see what you think.


Anyway, hope this helps you on your way.

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