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Equiping bow unequips another armor


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The Tyrael mod found here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8723 has just incorporated some nice wings.


However, whenever I equip the wings then go and equip a bow, the wings are unequipped. Once I take off my bow, the wings are back.


Why is this? The body slot being used by the wings is 46 (unused) so I don't think it's that. I'm certain it has something to do with the mesh but I'm not familiar with working with those.



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The wings have been checked to use the same slot as the bow. This is probably a mistake and can easily be fixed by editing the wings in the CK.


Where do I go to check this? Both in the Armor and ArmorAddon for the wings, they are using only slot 46, an unused slot.


In fact, now I realize that anything being used in the left hand replaces the wings. I can hold anything in my right hand and be fine but the second I use a shield or a second spell or any double handed weapon (including bows) the wings go poof and are unequipped.

Edited by Dark122490
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Cloaks use 40 and 46. Try this combo.


Still no good. I thought I found the problem when I saw in the Armor window, the modder accidentally made the wings act as a SHIELD slot. I changed it to NONE but still the same problem.


I'm beginning to think it's a mesh problem and not something that can be fixed with CK. If anyone that is familiar with this can help, I'd appreciate it a lot.


(Also I would be asking the modder himself all of this, but it doesn't seem like he responds very often)

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