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Character is "Frozen"


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I have posted a picture of my character, who oddly is frozen in what appears to be the default Mannequin pose, in that state. I am still able to move him around, activate things, jump, crouch, draw/sheath weapon/shield (when drawn weapons appear at very bottom of screen in 1st person, and sticking straight out of my hands in 3rd person), every single thing possible for the character. But.. the entire time of doing those activities my character remains frozen in the same pose. Floating forward/back/side-to-side remaining perfectly still. I do not have TCL activated so I am not suspended in the air or anything. Just stuck in this pose. If it helps the latest mod I downloaded (immediately before this happened) was here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17036

I do not know weather or not it was caused by this mod, because i completely uninstalled it (using NMM) and even loaded the save I made before testing/downloading this mod.


Please help me ASAP!

(Sorry for bad picture quality, needed for small enough file size)




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Do you have the 1.6 patch?


Does this happen to all humanoids in the game, or just your character?



Are you positive that this is the last mod you installed before the game stopped working properly? I've checked the files it comes with; it doesn't install anything having to do with animations.

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@SFBryan yeah I had figured that out almost immediately after posting this. @Septfox I have the game fully patched to newest one, and that mod was the last mod I downloaded. FNIS must have had a delayed action on effecting my game because I updated an hour or so before downloading Nazgul mod.
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