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enough is enough


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its just something i couldn't be silent about any longer. Although i have no issues...ok, can't finish that with a straight face, bearable issues with the female armor>male armor trend, it makes it hard to make a good cold blooded killer that i've finally decided on for my new comp. but in all seriousness, do we REALLY need 50 different colours of the same big breasted and revealing to the point where most sane people draw the line corsets for exnems?


i myself have no issue with sexy clothing (paranoia helps with the sanity issue), but i can't stand my armor to be impractical. these mods consist of...say 85% of all the armor mods on this site and im sick of it.


i look for good armor, what i find is about 20 pages of revealing clothing, then a UFF, then for every 100 pages, maybe 2-3 armor mods that can be used with a male, and every 200 a mod that comes within visible range of the line im trying to hit with my hopeless searches.


if anyone knows good assassin/thief/non-shiny light armor mods i could use, please tell me, but lets focus on the topic issue here, i can't be the only one who thinks this way about our mod selection (though likely the only male)

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lol I though it was only me that felt that way.


What I also hate is amour that is meant for a female and it is some scary arsed horrid helmet with some kind of spikes pointing in all directions nothing even remotely feminine or the other extreme bloody striper inspired amour. I mean a Battle-mage in a G banger, string bikini top and covered only by a cloak?


If only there were a happy medium a female amour that looked like it would get the job done while still being feminine.


I never said anything as I am female and most (not all) Modders are male and part of modding is bringing to life what your fantasy is, your ideal, and that is theirs and their imagination is a wonder to behold.

I also never complained as I cant mod for crap so I have to rely on the kindness of strangers lol.


But if there is anyone out there that can or has made the happy medium I/ we seem to be looking for don't be shy and point us in the right direction.


and ihateregistering I would prolly GET stabbed for flashing my breasts :P

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I agree with you on all accounts

Day after day i look for new mods

New good cool mods

What do i see?

I see Nude mods

OR i see a mod that SOUNDS cool like "Frostking armor" or something and it turns out to be a Glass recolor

It's rather pathetic really

I like seeing mods like Pale_riders Armory

Good cool armors

His Ordinator armor is kickass

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I have several armor mods that I like...Don't know if its your taste but take a look......


Dreadweave armor



Greek hero armor(looks amazing)



All colors of glass armor



Nightshade armor



Eternal dragon armor



Capes and cloaks



Weapons and armor of the righteous (Spin off of KOT9, not perfect but then who is around here besides JaySuS?)



Elven ayleid armor(Not really my taste but if u like it who cares)



Sauron armor (If your a LOTR fan)



This are all my current armor mods. If you want to look at all my other mods simply follow this link to my brothers personal forum...my list there is updated regularly and I only take my favorite mods out of TES NEXUS. :D

(Note in my complete list none have links...I would simply search part of the name)



Hoped this helped Alexb

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Well I am working on new armors for the Epic Shop. As some of you know I never released adult mods so there won't be any armors will make the mod available only to adults. I like my mods to be enjoyed by all ages. But the question is....when I will be done?? :D



Cheers :thumbsup:



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What I find irritating are people that think mods should only be created and released that appeal to just them.


What does it matter if 20 mods are released each day and only one of them is something you like. That is a NEW mod EACH day for FREE. Count your lucky stars. I have a LOT of games that do not enjoy such a large modding community where there are so many mods that it seems difficult to wade through all the options to find what I am looking for. Would you rather see the entire modding community slow down? Guess what...a slowdown in the number of mods released does not impact the type or perceived quality of mods that remain.


I do not really care for unrealistic and skimpy male or female armor (clothing is a bit different though. ;) ) but you are not going to see me belittle anyone's mod that fits that category.


The fact of the matter is that if you want a particular type of mod, you have to create it. The more people that like the same things as you that also create and release mods will increase those types of mods being released.


Modders create what they want and if it doesn't happen to be your "thing" then you have the choice of creating things yourself or wait for somebody else to make what you like. You cannot (effectively) wave a stick around and tell people what they should create or should not release.


You might also want to try wearing the modder's shoes for a minute. Do YOU think that you can pick up a 3D modeling tool, create new armor, rig it to a skeleton where it does not clip, create textures, normal maps, glow maps, menu icons, quest adventure that is compatible with everything and difficult enough to present a challenge to anyone but not too difficult that would cause it to be irritating...then package the mod into an archive, include a detailed readme, awesome screenshots like no other artist can do, upload it to several mirror sites, create a RELz Thread and then provide tech support for troubleshooting problems and creating bug fixes? Oh, and let's not forget about the armor needing to be uber cool-looking so you don't get any comments like "this is really pathetic" which would hurt your feelings since you put so much time and effort into realizing this mod and then sharing with the public for free.





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