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aDUMguy banned.





User posted...


I bet you also immerse yourself between a man's two butt cheeks. "TryARiskyBiscuit" probably because the "risk" of those "Biscuits" you're "trying" involve contracting AIDS from a man ass. You f***ing homophile.


What the f*** did you just say?!! I've lost count of the broads I've porked since breakfast. And the last thing I need to f***ing hear is you running your loser virgin mouth on this f***ing masterpiece of a mod page. Go take your sorry, good for nothing, LOSER ass back to Xbox Live you virgin PUSSY. So why don't you get a life "AnGAYas"!


I think YOU can't play a game without HOMOsexualiazing it. But what do I know, I'm just a normal alpha male who took a break from f***ing totalling the woman equivalent of the man of your dreams to type this you f***ing VIRGIN.


Is that your reaction when you see a female outside your mom's basement you f***ing GAYLORD!


Or maybe is that a representation of you hurling up a mans spunk after he splooged down your gullet you f***ing skeet sucking HOMO.


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This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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