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DayZ Mod potential new player.


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so obviously this is a huge Mod right now. and im interested in it. but my fear is, that players who have been playing for awhile, will just grief me. this game seems to scream griefing. and so i post here, is this true? or is it really an issue?...i have no interest in ArmA 2 really, so i dont wanna buy it if i hop into DayZ and just keep getting killed by other players more then i die from Zombies.


also, since i know little about it, feel free to say anything else about it. Tips/hints for a new player (if i get it) or an overview or anything at all, would all be nice, both for me and any other newbies playing or wanting to play this game!


thanks all :)

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Well, since zombies basically aren't a threat once you get to know them, the majority of your deaths are going to be at the hands of other players. However, all the people complaining about being griefed by other players are people who go into the most popular towns to get loot. You can check, 90% of the time if a player complains about being shot on sight, he's going to tell you he was either in Cherno, Elektro, the NW Airfield or Balota Airfield.


If you play smart, you'll survive long. My average lifespan nowadays is about a week just by staying inland and away from the popular areas. Usually by that time I'm so geared out that I actually go looking for trouble by going someplace such as the NW airfield.

Edited by Halororor
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You'll have to deal with griefing though. I usually ask if they're friendly. If they don't answer, I shoot. In CQC, don't ask. Chances are you'll get killed before you manage to do that. Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk and Balota Airfield are usually places with good loot, so if you really need it, go in and get out as fast as you can. Also. Get friends to play with you. I use skype to chat with my friends while we play DayZ. Saves you from being heard and spotted. Edited by Yoshh
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none of my friends play games on the PC, the few i do have that play PC games, wouldnt play this. most of my friends are console gamers.


idk. i was considering this game because im looking for a good game where i can sink a few hours into ever day or so and see progression in the game. do a little bit every day ya know? i got a bunch of games im playing atm, but most of them are the type you just play until you win. which i have no problem with. but its why i want a game i can play to break up the monotony of the other games. something i can play for a bit, progress, then go back to playing the other games.

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You might want to look around for some livestreams and such to get an idea.


Just watched one myself out of curiosity, and it looked too buggy and clunky to be a proper game. Inventory management looked like a pain, combat kinda flat, and too many glitchy physics (zombies walking through doors, client side zombies, zombies spawning from air, getting stuck on rocks, unreliable climbing mechanics, a tendency to break a leg by going up stairs). It's a neat idea, but gives every impression that it's just a mod that is trying to do too much beyond what the base game allows. Like trying to make Oblivion into a modern shooter.


It's not necessarily a bad game, it's just probably more for those who like spending 15-40 minutes running around to find some sort of weapon, and getting swarmed by zombies or jacked by someone with an assault rifle and starting over again from scratch.

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