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Private Vertibird Helipad


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Hi there

I am working on a helipad for my mod private vertibird. It works fine, except for one thing: Pathfinding for settlers. The settlers can not enter the platform.

What do I have to do. Many thanks for tips












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that looks fantastic, I look forward to using that when its complete.


drooling aside;




if you follow Kediwah, PoorlyAged or RedRocketTV or SKK50's navmesh ideas,

they show you how you can navmesh and collision it.

you might find that, the NPC's will drop beneath the ground map,

that can sometimes happen if it's improperly collision'd, and they get trapped "under the map".


alternately, if you release a 'playtest' version prior to that,

folks can 'kludge' their own collision and ladders into that;

It'd look great with some scaffolding and crud.


Having a non-nav meshed variant with a clear landing pad,

would make a great "elevator landing pad", for it to be somewhere the vertibird can land and then be taken to an interior cell.

what I will most enjoy is, welding one of these to a heavy-war-train which Cypher2012 made hehe.



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