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I messed up with Bodysliders


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i just f***ed up my Bodysliders somehow and now i dont know how i can make the breasts smaller... can anyone help me maybe would even donate something for a solution. Thats how it looks like at the moment how can i revert it. ( i tryed make the tittys a bit bigger so i changed the breast size from 90 to 150 but somehow the tits are like 100 times as big and i seriously have no idea of bodysliders )


Edited by angelfire1994
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You can change the breast size (and any other slider) however many times you want in BodySlide. Generally it's a bad idea to go over 100 or below 0.

If that doesn't work, you have a skeleton/animation/RaceMenu slider or something interfering.

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Reinstall your body mod and start over. Make sure you follow the instructions given if you plan on using the in-game RaceMenu Morphs instead of the BodySlide utility to design your preset.

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Update: Jan 14th 2019 Sorted.. noob issue !.. now using Mod Organiser and learned a lot more.


I am using Bodyslide but chose to use it with the UNP bodystyle not CBBE but the way it shows for me there are two columns in Bodyslide with the slim and main versions and breast size, elevation, forward projection, volume and all the other factors affecting chest are separate sliders with min and max. Then once you preview you hit build and it changes your in-game avatar. Is this not what you see in Bodyslide?


My issue is I click to build morphs in-game but the ingame command 'showracemenu' doesn't do anything so as yet I've still not found any way to see or use the in game sliders which I want to do. I have breast and butt physics enabled which works fine but when I make a new avatar build in Bodyslide and upload it the physics disappears. I've posted my own thread here looking for help but so far no replies. If I can help at all let me know I am a newcomer to this but in 3 days have already got NMM and Bodyslide and installed a dozen or more working mods.


One question how do you get clothes to even fit that bodyslide created body ? as for me all the normal clothes revert my av back to plain vanilla form and currently I cannot find any mod for UNP clothing that will actually work when installed

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