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CTD - AWKCR revisited


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Hello Wastelanders.


I've recently revisited Fallout 4 and was surprised by a new Mod Manager (Vortex). Obv, I re-installed my previous mods and jumped in-game.
However every, god-damn time I go to use an Armor workbench, I get the old CTD. Happened before, when the NMM was still around and back then I used to fix it easily.
Disabled all mods except for AWKCR and that was the problem (as usual). But I couldn't manage to fix it this time.
I tried to fix it using old methods, consulted other forums, but all of them (as far as I know) are out-dated.
This could be a problem from my end, but is anyone willing to help out with a perhaps up-to-date solution, maybe it's from the program, maybe it's something I missed. Idk.

Or maybe I missed a more recent topic with the same problem, if so, may I be redirected to it?

Any help would be much appreciated :wink:


Muchos Gracias <3

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Try running LOOT and Wyre Bash in addtion to vortex, any changes made in either program transfer over. Loot may tell you that something is conflicting. Also other obvious (as in you may have already done these) are making sure you game is up to date in addition to F4SE. Also Vortex may be putting the plug-in in the wrong load order, in this case you'll have to head on over to the plug-in section (under the mods heading) and click on the plug-in, a screen will pop-up and at the bottom of this screen there should be a load order box - use this to lock in the load order you want.


Hope some of these ramblings help.

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