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Skyrim: Most darkest, depraved, moment


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I know where your talking about....and here's the kicker with this one: If you kill him it's cold blooded murder....If you leave him alive but kill every other bandit there, what happens to him?...Wouldn't he eventually starve to death or fall or run afoul of some beastie if he leaves the cave?....Damned if you do, damned if you don't.... :happy:


Except, in the later case you're not actually directly responsible for his death.


And even if we say it's your fault he dies, as an indirect result of your actions, we're still looking at a scenario where you literally kill him personally vs one where leaving him alone might cause him to die, maybe, if he's unlucky.


So, killing him is the greater evil no matter how you look at it.


Yeah, I never kill him myself...I can't play 'evil', I just don't find it any fun...(will never do the DB, etc...)....But it does cross my mind about what would become of him after I essentially kill all his caretakers....is still something of a rock and a hard place....though now I have found that 'Mercy' mod, I may hopefully be able to leave someone breathing for him.

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I know where your talking about....and here's the kicker with this one: If you kill him it's cold blooded murder....If you leave him alive but kill every other bandit there, what happens to him?...Wouldn't he eventually starve to death or fall or run afoul of some beastie if he leaves the cave?....Damned if you do, damned if you don't.... :happy:


Except, in the later case you're not actually directly responsible for his death.


And even if we say it's your fault he dies, as an indirect result of your actions, we're still looking at a scenario where you literally kill him personally vs one where leaving him alone might cause him to die, maybe, if he's unlucky.


So, killing him is the greater evil no matter how you look at it.


Yeah, I never kill him myself...I can't play 'evil', I just don't find it any fun...(will never do the DB, etc...)....But it does cross my mind about what would become of him after I essentially kill all his caretakers....is still something of a rock and a hard place....though now I have found that 'Mercy' mod, I may hopefully be able to leave someone breathing for him.

Really? I changed my mind after some time,its not cool to be only the hero one, its cool to be the EVIL guy sometimes.Vampires are evil.

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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I know where your talking about....and here's the kicker with this one: If you kill him it's cold blooded murder....If you leave him alive but kill every other bandit there, what happens to him?...Wouldn't he eventually starve to death or fall or run afoul of some beastie if he leaves the cave?....Damned if you do, damned if you don't.... :happy:


Except, in the later case you're not actually directly responsible for his death.


And even if we say it's your fault he dies, as an indirect result of your actions, we're still looking at a scenario where you literally kill him personally vs one where leaving him alone might cause him to die, maybe, if he's unlucky.


So, killing him is the greater evil no matter how you look at it.


Yeah, I never kill him myself...I can't play 'evil', I just don't find it any fun...(will never do the DB, etc...)....But it does cross my mind about what would become of him after I essentially kill all his caretakers....is still something of a rock and a hard place....though now I have found that 'Mercy' mod, I may hopefully be able to leave someone breathing for him.

Really? I changed my mind after some time,its not cool to be only the hero one, its cool to be the EVIL guy sometimes.Vampires are evil.


I have tried evil characters in a few various games and they don't progress far, I end up finding them repulsive to play and delete them, just no fun factor in it for me...oh well... :turned: ....Yup, Vamps are evil, that's why my Dovahkin will happily keep his Werewolf status and DESTROY the Vamps in Dawnguard.... :devil: .... :biggrin:

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One of my most recent characters has been an absolut psychopath, so Ive done quite a few immoral and disgusting things just to stay in character. For example, I did that cannibal quest as well, I lured that guy to be eaten alive by me, I ate him... and then I still murdered and ate all the other cannibals, simply because that cannibal woman had other friends than me (I murdered her, too).


I also made the companions believe that I was one of them just to get my hands on their werewolve blood.


I also brutally butchered an aragonian that was heavily addicted to Skooma. In fact, I brutally butchered a lot of people. My preferred weapon was nothing fancy, btw, just a simple old wood axe.


Finally, the character butchered half of riften because he found out he couldnt have a house their anymore and then eventually moved into the woods.

Edited by Crainy
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I know where your talking about....and here's the kicker with this one: If you kill him it's cold blooded murder....If you leave him alive but kill every other bandit there, what happens to him?...Wouldn't he eventually starve to death or fall or run afoul of some beastie if he leaves the cave?....Damned if you do, damned if you don't.... :happy:


Except, in the later case you're not actually directly responsible for his death.


And even if we say it's your fault he dies, as an indirect result of your actions, we're still looking at a scenario where you literally kill him personally vs one where leaving him alone might cause him to die, maybe, if he's unlucky.


So, killing him is the greater evil no matter how you look at it.


Yeah, I never kill him myself...I can't play 'evil', I just don't find it any fun...(will never do the DB, etc...)....But it does cross my mind about what would become of him after I essentially kill all his caretakers....is still something of a rock and a hard place....though now I have found that 'Mercy' mod, I may hopefully be able to leave someone breathing for him.

Really? I changed my mind after some time,its not cool to be only the hero one, its cool to be the EVIL guy sometimes.Vampires are evil.


I have tried evil characters in a few various games and they don't progress far, I end up finding them repulsive to play and delete them, just no fun factor in it for me...oh well... :turned: ....Yup, Vamps are evil, that's why my Dovahkin will happily keep his Werewolf status and DESTROY the Vamps in Dawnguard.... :devil: .... :biggrin:

Then you will need to destroy my Dovahkiin Vampire Lord when we face each other in Skyrim Online(if you can). :devil:

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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Really? I changed my mind after some time,its not cool to be only the hero one, its cool to be the EVIL guy sometimes.Vampires are evil.


I don't really go out of my way to be evil in these games. Mostly because you actually have to go out of your way to be evil in these games. Usually I just do whatever comes natural, requires less effort, and/or is more benificial to my character, which usually results in my character generally having more good tendencies.


To use D&D terms, I'm usually either Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral.

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Really? I changed my mind after some time,its not cool to be only the hero one, its cool to be the EVIL guy sometimes.Vampires are evil.


I don't really go out of my way to be evil in these games. Mostly because you actually have to go out of your way to be evil in these games. Usually I just do whatever comes natural, requires less effort, and/or is more benificial to my character, which usually results in my character generally having more good tendencies.


To use D&D terms, I'm usually either Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral.


My Dovahkin would fit Chaotic Good also....guided by his own principles, not those of the law....kinda similarish to me in some small way, though his mind set is a lot more brutal than myself....RP'ed as a hardened Warrior in in an unforgiving environment, so would do things I certainly wouldn't, I am currently waiting on a slavery mod to be completed....on top of the Mercy Mod, it will give him three choices when an enemy yields, let them walk away, kill them or enslave them....I feel the slavery option fits the world of Skyrim and my Dovahkin won't see it as a revolting choice (he is still a product of his environment no matter how principled he is).

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I of course do the cannibal feast as part of a quest. On my own, I got really annoyed with that little brat who says "I'm not afraid of you. I don't care if you are my elder." So I transformed into a werewolf in front of her and then slaughtered every non-essential npc in town saving her for last. Then I killed her too. Scared of me now you disrespectful brat? :devil: :devil: :devil:
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I felt like a complete ass the other day. I did Boethiah's Calling and sacrificed a friend at his/her shrine. After getting the Ebony Mail, I went to Solitude to drop a few things off in my house there, and a courier gave me a letter of inheritance. The fact that the Jarl emphasized how wonderful it was that someone saw me as a good and trustworthy enough friend to leave me money upon her death in a harsh, somewhat cruel land, and said I should celebrate her friendship, I really felt like an a**hole lol.
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I felt like a complete ass the other day. I did Boethiah's Calling and sacrificed a friend at his/her shrine. After getting the Ebony Mail, I went to Solitude to drop a few things off in my house there, and a courier gave me a letter of inheritance. The fact that the Jarl emphasized how wonderful it was that someone saw me as a good and trustworthy enough friend to leave me money upon her death in a harsh, somewhat cruel land, and said I should celebrate her friendship, I really felt like an a**hole lol.


As a player, your a master of time and space. Reload dat save. :thumbsup:


Personally, I tell Boethiah to screw itself whenever that quest presents itself. In fact, Mureka just killed the Cultist and got the book and stuff. I think its time to go slaughter some murderers. (She's very vigilante/antihero when it comes to these matters)

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