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Whats a good game i can soak time into


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so ive got a bunch of games ive recently got for my Ps3. (God of War 3, Folklore, AC: Brotherhood, Dynasty Warriors 7, Dragons Dogma, MGS Collection, Bayonetta) and im sure there's more. plus games that id like to go back to someday (like Resistance 3 or maybe Borderlands before the second one comes out, etc) however, most of those games are really just play to beat games. idk how t explain it, but like you have to do big things to make progress in the game. what this thread asking is what are some good games (preferably cheap. preferably off Steam) that i can play to just break up the time of other games. something i can put an hour or two in, make a little bit of progress, but like useful progress, just to break up the monotony of other games. im not one to play several games at once. like im not about to play God of War and ACB at the same time. both of those games require commitment to beat, and you dont do a little bit here an there to progress. however, i have no problem playing a game like that, and one or two smaller games. like atm, i play League of Legends to break up the monotony. get my 1st win of the day, make a little progress to my IP and im good. sometimes i go on Minecraft and do a little bit there. i just recently downloaded Champions Online and will probably play a little of that again. but these three games are all games ive put time into before, so im looking for a possibly new title to play. something fresh, as even playing these games to break up my time with other games, gets a little boring, since ive played even these games quite a lot lol. SWTOR was my down time game for awhile, play a few quests or so a night. but i didnt feel like renewing my sub when it went out (though i might again now that allies has come out and i can switch my toon to an actual server with people! lol)


but ya. im just looking for a game that i only have to play a little (an hour or two at a time) to actually make an impact on the game itself. just to break up my gaming day on my days off from work ya know? some sort of RPG and/or single player game would be perfect.

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Saint Row 3? You can pretty much use it as a time sink and it's fun. Could you give a list of games that you have played?


hey! i have Saints Row 3! as part of the free games i got from PS+. i forgot i also got that, Just Cause 2, Laura Craft and the Guardians of Light, LBP 2, Walking Dead 2nd Episide, Dust 514, and yea. ill give Saints Row 3 a try. im honestly not a fan of GTA and the like, i only got it cause it was free and i figured id give it a try (eventually) but im honestly not expecting much, just not my cup of tea for gaming.


and idk, too many games to say what ive played. ive played the usual RPGs like Fo3, NV, DA1 and 2, Torchlight, a little bit of Witcher, but never could get in to it. same with KOTOR. not a fan of the ES series, so yea, dont suggest those :P...played Starcraft 2. beat the campaign like 4 times. though now that i think of it, thats a perfect game for sinking off time into. play a couple of rounds against AI or some custom maps lol. might have to try that! lol


but ya, would still love a new time soaker hha :P

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Might want to give torchlight a try. If the aesthetic doesn't bother you too much, it's the sort of game you can play a little bit at a time without much commitment. Load it up, clear a floor, portal home, sell, go do something else. Torchlight 2 should be released in another month or so, and has a pre-order deal to get Torchlight (I think there might even be a demo for the original), so you pretty much get 2 games for about $10. It's a good game for when you only have an hour or so to play with, but can easily soak up many more if you let it.



Regarding Saints Row:3... I literally have not touched it since Christmas. The game was too cut-up and resold as DLC for my liking. Currently the disk for it is sitting on my dust covered shelf along side Spore and Sims 3, never to be played again. But your millage may vary.

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Might want to give torchlight a try. If the aesthetic doesn't bother you too much, it's the sort of game you can play a little bit at a time without much commitment. Load it up, clear a floor, portal home, sell, go do something else. Torchlight 2 should be released in another month or so, and has a pre-order deal to get Torchlight (I think there might even be a demo for the original), so you pretty much get 2 games for about $10. It's a good game for when you only have an hour or so to play with, but can easily soak up many more if you let it.



Regarding Saints Row:3... I literally have not touched it since Christmas. The game was too cut-up and resold as DLC for my liking. Currently the disk for it is sitting on my dust covered shelf along side Spore and Sims 3, never to be played again. But your millage may vary.


haha ive played Torchlight. said it in my second post. already preordered T2! haha but yea.


and if Saints Row 3 sucks, idrc cause as i said, i got it free. i honestly dont think ill like it. as i said, just not a GTA fan. but its was free so i figured what the hay

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Saints Row 3 was awesome. Even though they released a lot of DLC afterwards, it doesn't feel like an incomplete game. There's more than enough content to keep you occupied, and the DLC they released afterwards is mostly crap anyway. Easily my best game of 2011.
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