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Lonnnnng a** loading times when re-loading or quickloading a save


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Ok, so previously I actualy found that the loading for skyrim wasent half bad, I mean, Ive seem some long ass load times before, (and by loading I mean the quickload or re-load of a save) and usualy it would take me 3 or 4 secconds to reload from a quick save or reg save. The initial load up was allways about 10 to 15 secconds, but the quick loads were damned quick.


Then all of the sudden BAM my quickloads are taking over a minute... i kid you not, over a minute.


I checked and defraged my hard drive, I cleared a lot of older saves I had, and I tried removing any of the mods I had added in the past week, (clean saves and all) and nothing.


I know that I had my load order all f*cked when I tried to use wry bash, but im pretty sure that this didnt start then, and I uninstalled it and fixed my order anyhow. I tried removing any mods i had recently added, I figured it was just cause I was running too many script extention mods, but removing them and loading from clean saves didnt do anything.


Im realy not sure whats up, nor am I sure as to why its only reloads or quickloads that are so lengthy, the initial load seems longer, but not much longer, and not as long as the quick load, as well, the loading inbetween enviroments and whatnot is allmost nill.


SO im not sure whats up.



this is my DLC


These are the mods that I have enabled right now It includes the script mods as follows



Extra Hotkeys


And these are the esps


Crimson Tide - Blood.esp






IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp


Light Armor Hoods - Normal Armor Value.esp


Skyrim Scaling Stopper - Misc Edits.esp

Skyrim Scaling Stopper.esp

Kuun's angels drop armor.esp



Proper Aiming.esp


WATER - Get Wet.esp


The Bow of the Drow.esp




dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

dD-No Vanilla Hit Blood Decals Placement.esp





These are the mods I have in place but are disabled (keep in mind that I removed all meshes and textures from static mesh improvment mod I just havent removed the esp)


dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

dD-No Vanilla Hit Blood Decals Placement.esp

dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp

dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp

Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp

Assassin's Blade 12xSword.esp

SV - The Indoors.esp

SV - The Outdoors.esp






Wanderer's Surcoat.esp










anyhow any help on this would be apreciated, Ive tried removing the mods that I put on within a period of time before this started, but realy, it didnt start with any of the mods, it just started, though I could be wrong.

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Ok, so you have several mods, they are most likely loose files, and by this term I mean they are not in a BSA file. You should download "Optimizer Texture (or Texture Optimizer, I know they wrote it like Yoda)", which is available here on the Nexus, after you have downloaded it, set it to look for files in C:/ (or whatever drive letter you installed the game to) Program Files (if you have a 64-bit PC this will say x86) /steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/data/textures. Then click the button that says "Start", let it run, and this should help improve loading times because it makes the files you currently have smaller, which means that Skyrim should be able to process the files quicker after you run this.


P.S. This may look like a lot of info, but it's actually quite simple, and no I'm not a computer genius, or an adult for that matter, I just learned stuff from trial and error.

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Would this adress why it only applys to quick or re loads, as well as why it dosent apply to changing enviroments.? or why it happened all of the sudden without me adding anything? just one day it was fine and the next BAM long load times? Edited by wse_jack
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Would this adress why it only applys to quick or re loads, as well as why it dosent apply to changing enviroments.? or why it happened all of the sudden without me adding anything? just one day it was fine and the next BAM long load times?



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Fixed it.


I unloaded all my mods, then saved, then rechecked them and just used cheats to re-obtain all my items.



it seemed like it had to be all the mods except for the scaling stopper, and so I lost all my cool mod items. But I got them back thanks to the power of player.additem.



Thus it sounds like wrye bash was the culprit. as thats the only thing that totaly screwed up my mods on a global scale

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