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i have a lot alternative textures in higher resolution, in an modpack found on nexusmods is only a texture folder and just copy this to Data.

Now i use my own textures in .dds format and copy it in the directory where GECK found the originals but, ingame and in GECK are the old one why?
When i make a new Texture and 3D Model in GECK with duplicate object and save it in the textures01.esp it doesn´t change anything.


I don´t know why?



As example:
The USFlag is called USFlag01 i have now the new USFlag01.dds in the Data\Textures\Clutter\Junk\

and it is the old one....?

Edited by Hunterz1
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"ArchiveInvalidation" (AI) tells the game engine to use the "loose files" it finds in the folders under "Data" instead of the ones it uses by preference in the BSA files. When you "toggle" that feature in your mod manager, it causes the game engine to determine just which files in the BSAs exist (or no longer do) as "loose files" in the folders in order to use them instead. The engine does not do so automatically unless it cannot find the specific file in question inside a BSA file (which is usually the case when a mod has added a new one).


The AI technique is called "BSA Redirection" and each mod manager uses it's own arbitrary "AI BSA" file name for this purpose, which is why using multiple different managers to handle AI doesn't work correctly. Choose only one manager to handle AI if you have multiple installed.



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