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The bust of the gray fox fell off the desk The Ragged Flagon - Cistern


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use console commands to move it


preform a savegame prior to console changes incase you do something wrong.


click on item to get ID code (the code will be listed on your screen)


then type in and play with the following commands.


getpos (x,y or z)

setpos (x,y, or z) value <----- value is present location in the cell. be careful with + and - locations

getangle (x,y, or z)

setangle (x,y, or z) value <------ see above


when you add or change the value given on a "get" command, you dont add to the listed value, you move to the exact value (location) you typed.

The values are in reference to the CoC (center of cell you are in). if you never used these, play a little with them. very useful commands if you decorate your house.


If you setpos on an item and it blips off the screen, you enetered a value outside your visible range. just type back in the position of its "getpos" value and it will come back to the original location.

Edited by Brandy_123
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