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Travel from Cottonwood Cove to Fortification Hill causes game to crash


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Hey guys,


First post on these forums. So far all the glitches or bugs I've encountered in this game have been googleable and fixable. Now I've hit a wall. Hopefully one of you can help shed some light on why this is happening.



When attempting to travel from Cottonwood Cove to Fortification Hill via the leggionaire (on the Render Unto Caesar quest), I have a repeatable game crash. The game attempts to autosave/load screen and crashes before arriving at Fort Hill.


I've been killing any Legion I encountered thus far, but I got a 'carte blanche' as it were from them along with a summons and am interested in what Caesar has to say, not to mention I HAVE to get to Fort Hill to continue the main storyline for Mr House, and kill that bastard Benny.... It's a bad bug/glitch.



Dismissing companions

Changing my weapons/armor.

Lowering graphics and game settings (duh)



Killing everyone and trying to get there by clicking on the raft. (thus failing Render Unto Caesar, but if that's what it takes...)

A billion different things involving items etc. (removing/changing armor, guns, etc.)



I'm still experimenting, but I've mostly ruled out a GPU or hardware related issue. The crash has presented itself on two systems (same save file), with graphics settings set anywhere.

That I have had to spawn some replacement items using console due to previous glitches.

That I have transferred this save game from an external after a wipe a few months back. Had shelved it until my gf got back into Fallout 3 and in watching her, once more got the itch to play myself.

That I really want to continue playing this save game. I lost my original game to a bad HD and had to restart. I did, but it's taken me FOREVER to get back to where I am now in the story. I don't want to restart at lvl 25... AGAIN.


Software Info:

Digital copy bought through Steam. Up to date.


Large Address Aware 4GB RAM mod. (Though I've tried running the game in vanilla and this crash still occurs, so I doubt it's mod related.)


Hardware (just in case):

CPU: Intel i5 750 quad-core @ 2.67 GHz


GPU: EVGA GTX 560 Ti 448 core

RAM: 16 (4x4GB) Patriot 10666 @ 1333mhz

HD: 1T 7200rpm regular olde harde drive


Well, that's all I can think of guys. Hopefully you can help me out. Thanks in advance!

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Almost 3 years later I stumbled upon this exact same problem - I think I figured it out.

If you bypass the guy that halts you when you enter Cottonwood Cove and just head straight to the boatman guy, you will crash. You have to talk to the guard first.

It has nothing to do with mods or such, at least not for me.

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